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I looked around the room as Logan was talking on the phone.  But when I got outside, I saw we had the small little pool on the back porch.  I took a deep breath before turning around and saw Logan walking down the stairs.  Yeah, this hotel room has 2 floors.

"Are you ready?" Logan said.  He was fixing himself and didn't even look at me.  I looked at him and watch him walk to the door.  I forsed my feet to walked up to Logan but he moved a little but so we weren't close.  I stopped and watched Logan walk up to the door but stopped and turned around.  "Ok, drop the addtude right now."

"I will once you do.  I have a reason to have an addtude but you don't." I said.  Logan stopped and looked at me shocked.

"Luis is not someone you need to know about right now.  What I need you to do right now is act like you are not mad at me." Logan said.  His tone has now changed to a defeat.  I cross my arm across my chest and looked at Logan.  Logan rolled his eyes and looked at his watch.  "Miles! You are being a child.  I will explain but right now we can't do this!"

My heart broke.  Hearing him yell at me and call me by my name is heart breaking.  It makes me feel like we aren't a couple. 

"God damn it! Are you coming with or staying here." Logan told me.  He want to leave me.  I stepped away and Logan looked at me as I started to cry.  Logan took a deep breath and walked up to me.  "Look, I'm sorry-"

"F-first the thing on the plane happened...and than you don't even hold my hand on the ride here and than you were on the phone all the time that we were here and no-"

"Ok, I get it I fucked up.  I fucked up and you are now overwhelmed-"

"I don't want you to admit that you fucked up, I want you to tell me who Luis is." I told Logan.  He took a deep breath and nodded his head.

"When I was 17 I meet the boy, his name was Kace and at the time he was my first and only love." Logan said.  I was confused.  Another name!?  Logan took a deep breath and walked closer to me.  "Kace and Lui were best friends and Lui had a thing for me but never told me up until recently."

"How recently?" I asked.  Logan took a deep breath.

"About 1 month ago when I was taking a business trip." I looked at Logan and he looked scared. 

"But you didn't remember me.  What did you say?" I asked.  Logan took a good look at me but I felt like he was trying to mustered up the courage to lie to me.  "Don't lie to me."

"I hooked up with him and than we started talking on the phone but than I remembered you and just told him I can't talk to him anymore."  So I was making a big deal out of something.  I mean he did have sex with Luis but it's not like he was still talking to him when he did remember.

"Ok." I said.  Logan looked at me and I started to walk away.  But when I walked passed Logan, he grabbed my hand and I stopped.  Logan looked at me and slowly I turn my head to look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.  I just didn't want you to worry." Logan said.  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"As long as he know you are mine." I said.  Logan smiled and moved in to kiss me but I wasn't ready for that.  But I let him kiss my cheek.

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