✦ The One Where They're in Paramount Mansion, I Dunno ✦

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ok, so uuuuhh @Geewaysdikk and @SnippyDaJoyfulTurtle inspired me to write this. i don't know a whole lot on the paramount mansion, so i bullshitted a lot of this spooky stuff. it's not meant to be accurate!!! it's just for funsies :') it's not super long, bc i didn't have a whole lot of inspiration/motivation or plot ideas idk. enjoy, i guess.


"Gerard, that's a fucking spider." Mikey pointed out -- not even two seconds since they had lugged their things into the grand entryway of the mansion.

"Yes, it is," He replied distractedly, tugging the handle of his suitcase as it jammed. "You want a cookie?"

"I already don't like it here." Mikey said to the open, dust-logged air -- more to himself, rather than anyone else.

"Well, better get comfortable, because you're stuck here for the time being." Gerard replied simply, to which Mikey sighed.



"Frank!" Gerard called out, shuffling through his suitcase as he tugged a Motörhead t-shirt about two sizes too small from the mess. "How the hell did your shirt get in my shit?"

"Huh?" Frank called back faintly from his room farther down the hall. Following were frantic footsteps came barreling towards his room as Frank zoomed into the doorway -- quirking a crooked grin as he leant against it sloppily. "What's happening?"

Gerard only balled up the faded shirt and tossed it to Frank, who caught it against his chest -- unfolding it and holding it out as he gasped.

"Oh, that's where that went!" He spoke to himself, an excited twinge to his voice as he glanced up to Gerard. "Thanks, man."

"Yep." Gerard replied boredly, though quirking a small smile back as Frank did -- soon turning and leaving the room once more.


Gerard was awoken by a door slamming once more in the dead of the night, groaning -- but being beat to anything further as Ray called out.

"Frank, stop fucking slamming your door!"

"That's not me!" Frank defended loudly. "It's Mikey!"

"The hell?" Mikey blurted. "It's not me!"

"Well, it's not me either." Ray said. "Gerard?"

"It's not me!" Gerard answered, to which each of them fell silent.

They could just barely hear Mikey speaking through the thickness of fear prickling down their spines, "...Then who was it?"

Another booming slam startled them out of their zipped lips -- Frank yelping from somewhere down the hall as Gerard just barely managed to bite back his own. Immediately, the four bounded from their beds, rushing to the central point in the dark hallway connecting their rooms.

Ray spoke first. "I swear on my goddamn life that it was not me."

"I swear on the dogs." Frank added.

"I swear on my Morrissey CD's." Mikey chimed in.

"I swear on everybody's life here." Gerard said finally, to which they all fell into another unsure silence.

"Well, I say that--" Ray had just begun, interrupted by the creaking of a door further down the hall. Instantly, his lips fell shut, eyes widening as the four shared an uneasy glance.

And when another door had slammed, even closer now, Mikey was the first to speak. "I'm out. I am not fucking dealing with this."

"Mikey, we can't leave." Gerard pointed out, to which Mikey grew even more ghostly pale, if possible.

"Why not?" He asked, frowning.

"Because we paid to stay here for the month, and if we leave, we're just wasting all that money," Gerard rationed. "Plus, we don't have a fucking car, or anywhere else to stay nearby."

"Well, what are we supposed to do?" Mikey exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "I mean-- god, am I gonna go sleep in the damned garden?"

"I wouldn't be objected to that at this point." Frank chimed in, to which Mikey turned to him.

"I mean, you guys heard the screaming too, right?" He asked, to which the four of them watched blankly. "And the fucking giggling-- like, the children running around n' shit."

"What?" They all three said at once, Gerard speaking over and taking the forefront. "What fucking screaming?"

"Did you guys not--" Mikey said, interrupting himself. "Oh my god. We're in a haunted fucking mansion."

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." Ray said finally.

"Shut the fuck up, Watson." Mikey retorted quickly, Ray rolling his eyes as Mikey spoke once more. "I-- we're going to die. We're genuinely, honest to god, gonna fucking die."

The fear had settled in like a thick veil, a curtain being tugged over them as they curled into themselves -- each sharing a glance as Ray unsteadily uttered out. "I think we should try and go back to sleep, for now..."

Mikey, and the rest of the group, seemed unsure of the notion -- but had all obliged anyway, somehow managing to find sleep playing over their eyelids once more.


Gerard had woken with a start, the third time that night -- quickly flying a hand to push the hair plastered to his sweat-slicked forehead, panting heavily as he caught back up to reality. "Holy shit."

The damned night terrors weren't stopping, and really, Gerard was beginning to panic. Carefully as he could, he creaked open his door -- blanket in hand as he tip-toed down the hall to Frank's room.

As he pushed open Frank's door, he turned to gently let it click shut behind him -- even just the small notion stirring the sleeping occupant's eyes to open, sitting up and blinking groggily at the intruder. "Gee?" He asked, his voice notched lower and laced with sleep. "'S that you?"

Gerard nodded, speaking quietly. "Yeah."

Frank didn't ask questions, nor protest, as Gerard crawled onto the bed beside him -- simply fluidly letting it all fall into place as the older nestled beneath the blankets, curling into himself facing away from the younger.

"Night terror?" Was all Frank asked, barely larger than a whisper as he relaxed back into the sheets -- both melting into more ease with the situation.

"Yeah," Gerard said once more. "I'll sleep better knowing you're here."

"I won't let them hurt you," Frank mumbled absentmindedly, curling in closer to Gerard's back -- letting an arm wrap limply over his midsection as they melted into the other's touch. "I promise."

"Did you just..." Gerard asked, trailing off as his mind fell too groggy to interrogate Frank on his referencing to their very own song.

Frank didn't reply, kissing Gerard's shoulder as the two fell asleep -- the creaking of the mansion within barely a soft, whisper to the white nose in their minds, and the softening sound of the other's breathing...


a/n: lol this absolutely sucked i'm sorry, broskis. i really wasn't feeling it but wanted to write it anyway oop. it took like,, thirty minutes total? so yea. anYway i'm planning a new spooky fic for after i finish the ultimate guide and i'm so fuhking excited for it :00

anyway, have a good day/night/yea, do ur hw, and drink some water <33 xoxoxo, mikes.

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