✦ What Am I Doing ?? ✦

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oh dear lord please forgive me for writing this. ok, i can explain, i promise. sooo,, uuhh,, my friends and i were messing around, and somehow they convinced me into writing a frank x reader fic. uumm. yea, this isn't frerard, and it's pretty much all smut (the first i've posted on this account, oop). i hate it. i didn't try. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate myself. but it's so horrible that i wanted to post it, obviously. i hope u guys hate it too :**

this is literally a joke pls don't take it seriously,,,,,, i put zero (0) effort into this, so like,, don't comment on how shitty it is, alr???? thanks. i hate writing in first person, ugh. if it makes u guys feel any better, just imagine y/n as gerard and don't question the plot too much. don't enjoy.


The lights of the club strobed nauseatingly as I wandered across the floor, my destination the bar nestled on the opposite side -- wetting my lips as I slid onto one of the stools.

I had ordered myself a drink, forking over some cash as I sipped on the alcoholic beverage, not paying any mind as another patron claimed the seat beside me. As he spoke, I kept sipping on my drink, only acknowledging him as he tapped my shoulder.

I glanced over, humming a dumb; "Hm?" as I lowered the lid of the bottle from my lips.

"Sorry, I'd been trying to catch your attention," The man said awkwardly, half of his mouth raising into a strange sort of half-smile. "Uh, I was asking if you were here with anybody."

"Oh-- oh my god, I'm so sorry, I--" I stammered, fighting off the embarrassed flush warming my cheeks. "I didn't realize you were talking to me... um, no, I'm here alone."

"It's alright." The man smiled assuringly. His eyes crinkled ever-so-slightly around the edges as his lips quirked, wide and round with hazel-green specks gleaming in the shitty lighting of the bar. His hair was dark, also reflecting off the lights above him, a delicate curl swooping just above his cheekbone, the sides shaved and dyed a dark crimson. His lips curled around a welcoming smile were adorned with a silver ring amongst the bottom, his nose wearing a matching one, and his ears clad with gauges stretching them out.

He held out his hand, and I smiled at the Circle Jerks tee he wore. "I'm Frank, by the way."

"Y/n," I replied, smiling back. "Nice shirt, by the way. I love 'em." (a/n: somebody end me.)

"Do you?" Frank asked, grinning and glancing down at his torso. "I love them too. Thanks, man."

"Welcome." I replied, finishing off the final sip of my beer, ready to order another as Frank intervened. He ordered double, and handed me the other with a slick smile.

"On me."

"Oh--" I replied, sheepishly accepting the bottle. "Thank you, you didn't have to do that..."

Frank didn't respond, lifting the glass to his lips and taking a long sip before turning back to me. "How old are you, y/n?" (a/n: pls i cringe every time i type that.)

"Twenty-two," I replied with a shrug. "Why? How old are you?"

"Just wondering," Frank shrugged back. "I'm twenty-three."

I nodded, eyeing him up and down for a moment. My eyes narrowed, unable to pinpoint where I recognized him from. "I feel like I recognize you from somewhere, but I don't know from where..."

"Probably my band." Frank sighed quietly, sipping on his drink.

"You're in a band?" I asked dumbfoundedly, watching as Frank glanced over. "What's it called?"

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