✧ The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys II ✧

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here are the other parts !! 


the girl

The air tasted like dust and her feet were killing her. She had no idea of where she was. No idea where she was going. She was just walking. Walking for what felt like days on end. There was no end. It was nothing but an eternal abyss that she'd inevitably managed to damn herself to. Only desert -- sand stretching out for as far as she could see ahead of her.

She was walking along a worn, dirt road -- tire tracks distinguished only by the slight imprints left upon the faded marks, covered and shielded by layers of dust and sand blowing over the path and hiding any evidence that anyone had been here at all.

The girl was beginning to lose hope. Her chest was heavy with a sinking feel that she couldn't seem to shake, no matter how hard she tried to. She was going to die here. She only grew more sure of it the longer she went on. She was thirsty. She was hungry. She was tired. Her mouth was drier than it had ever been, feeling as if she was hosting a piece of rough sandpaper inside rather than her tongue. Her stomach was so empty that she felt as if it might cave in on itself, collapsing and sending he tumbling to the ground in peril defeat. She was miserable, and she knew that if she kept this up much longer, she'd die. She was sticky and sweaty, and just an utter and complete mess -- her hair frizzy and tangled to unrecognizable lengths, sticks and dirt no-doubtedly making home in her large, curly locks.

She was just beginning to give up. She felt herself growing weaker than she had already been -- her legs quavering underneath her weight, feeling as if at any moment they would buckle beneath her and send her tumbling into the sand, becoming one with the earth at long last. She was so close. So ready to give up -- so ready to send everything she had fought for to be thrown out to waste in the form of her rotting corpse in the desert. All the efforts of so many people, all for nothing as she took her final breath out where nobody would ever find her again.

Her vision was bleary, and she loosely acknowledged the fact that she was seeing double -- a lone cactus in the distance falling into two separate, blurred cacti. Was that normal? She truly didn't know at this point. She didn't care either. She was ready to give in. The heat sweltered her skin and her heart hammered in her ears -- lightheaded as a pounded headache housed itself within her cranium. She could've sworn that she saw a car in the far distance, but she knew she was being delirious. This was the middle of the desert, cars were a thing that one would never encounter so far out from civilization.

She thought of how truly pitiful this story would sound scribbled onto a scroll -- a little girl imagining a car tunneling towards her in her final moments. Still growing closer, and revving an aching ringing in her ears. A weak smile grew on her lips, chuckling softly at how awful this situation was.

Until the car came closer. And closer. But the girl couldn't focus on the car anymore. She was growing impossibly dizzy -- something racketing in her mind constantly yellling the same phrase over and over and over. Like a flock of vultures circling their prey round and round -- time and time again until they finally swept in for the kill -- Let go. It seemed so appealing to the girl at the moment. Letting go. And she nearly did. She had just begun to let her eyes fall shut, only interrupted by yelling erupting in the distance, and two men spat from the car, running towards her...


Kobra let out a yell as his bleached-blonde hair lapped in the wind behind him, his head stuck out the window as he grinned wildly. Every window in the Trans Am was discarded within, wind whipping their faces and blowing against them furiously, hair in suit. Easily, they pushed ninety miles per hour, and this wasn't even their fastest.

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