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Stiles vigorously danced in front of me with his drag queen friends, I laughed and pulled out my phone, snapping some pics. "You look gorgeous!" I gave him the thumbs up and he caught my gaze, gasping and attempting to grab the phone out of my hand. "No! You looked so good!",  he mocked me laughing and swiftly hit the 'delete' button.

"Very funny" He handed me back the phone and I pouted at him in protest. "Now, would you please come with me?"

"But seeing you get hit on by men dressed as ladies is so much more exciting!" He grabbed my hand anyway and pulled me inside the house and into a quieter room. "What is it?" We sat down on the couch.

"I found a pattern, remember? You've been pestering me about it like, the whole day?" He shook his head at me and my face lit up, remembering.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot..that's strange. Maybe their is alcohol in the punch after all.." I trailed off and he waved his hand in front of my face, pulling me back onto the topic at hand.

"Ash, concentrate!" I nodded obediently and he continued. "So, it has something to do with water"

"Water? I thought we already knew this - but Jackson's the swim captain and his controller can't swim. I remember almost drowning very vividly" I shuddered, thinking back to the night I almost died at the Kanima's hands. 

"Yes" He nodded. "But, I was looking back through some old yearbooks of the year most of them would have been in school, and guess what I found?"

"Why do you have all the previous yearbooks?" I dodged his question.

"Not the point" He dodged mine. "I found out that all of the victims were on the swim team!"

"Every single one? That's odd"

"That's a pattern" He nodded at me.

"So how does this get us any closer to finding his controller?" I quizzed him.

"Well - whoever it was must've hated the swim team, specifically the 2006 swim team. So maybe a teacher, or an old student?" I nodded at him, he was right but I still had no clue how we were any closer to finding out who it was.

"Who haven't we thought of? We must be missing something"

"Matt!" Allison's voice came into the room, she made a face when she saw Stiles was with me. "Sorry, um - Matt's here"

I stood up and nodded at her, gasping as I saw Jackson enter through the front door. "Jackson's here too" Stiles stood up next to me and ran a hand through his hair. "We need to get Scott"

"On it" He left the room in a hurry, thankfully not asking any questions about Matt and Allison.

I walked up to her. "Are you alright? I can speak to him if you want, I know you can protect yourself though"

"Yes, he said he wants to speak with me and apologize" She looked stressed but I knew she could handle it, maybe it was a strange misunderstanding and he just wanted to explain himself.

"Are you going to?"

"I think so - he seems less creepy tonight, and he won't do anything with this many people here, but if you hear me shouting, please come running" I nodded at her and she went to go and find him, leaving me alone.

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