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"A rave...really?" I poked my head through the middle of the seat between Scott and Stiles. "I don't think I've been to one of these since I was thirteen".  I suppose it wasn't all bad - we were going to attempt to catch Jackson tonight, so I guess we weren't here for the fun of it.

"Yes, Ash - a rave" Stiles' hands gripped the steering wheel tightly and I could tell he was nervous. He was the one who was in charge of the Mountain Ash, he was basically the glue of the operation and if he screwed up chances are people would die. So I could see why he was anxious.

"Look" Scott turned around in his chair to face the both of us. "It'll be fine. Everything will be okay, we just need to take Jackson down and well, hope that we manage to find out who's controlling him" He paused for a moment and faced the front as we pulled into a parking space. "Simple"

I clicked my tongue and stepped out the car, fixing my hair in the window. "Remind me why Allison's not here right now?"

Scott stepped out and shook his head. "I don't want her getting hurt-"

"-But you're okay with us being here?" I butted in and drew him a look.

He shook me off and continued. "What I mean is, she doesn't need to know anything. She'd only want to help". Biting my lip, I made a face at them. Scott clocked on and rolled his eyes. "What is it?"

"Um, Allison's kind of here" The words were painful coming out, and Scott looked like he was going to vomit, so I continued. "She's with Matt - she went so her mother didn't suspect you guys. It's kinda genius"

His mouth fell open and Stiles audibly winced beside me. "You didn't think about telling me?!"

"Hey, I didn't even know we were coming till a few hours ago"

"Oh god.." He trailed off and looked about in a panic. "I gotta go find her and warn her" I nodded at him and he ran off quickly to try and find Allison.

I blew out a shaky breath. "That was a train wreck"

Stiles laughed next to me and opened his trunk. "It caused me physical pain to listen to that..like, physical" He clutched his chest and I bashed his shoulder, pulling a face at him.

"I get it - I thought Scott knew, but apparently not" He pulled out a duffel bag and dumped it on the floor, some black ash fell out and spilled at our feet. I shook my head at him in disbelief. "I still have no clue how they gave you such an important job"

He scratched the back of his neck and picked up the bag, strain in his voice. "I don't know either. Why can't you do this? You're much more capable than me"

"I already have a job.." I undid my black bomber jacket, revealing a very low cut top and a tight miniskirt. I shimmied at him. "I'm going dancing!" Then paused, going back on my words. "Well, I'm helping them nab Jackson, but still dancing!"

His eyes scanned up and down me as he coughed and stuttered over his words. "Wow..I mean - you look nice!" His head shook him out of it and he smiled at me. "I like the outfit"

I giggled slightly and returned the smile. "Thank you Stilinksi" My phone lit up in my hand, it was Scott asking if I was ready, I quickly responded yes and turned back to him. "Need to go. Got a Kanima to catch, no biggie"

"Be careful" He shouted after me as I ran to the entrance of the warehouse that was thumping with rave music,

"You too!" I called to him and entered the building.

Lights flashed and sweaty bodies jumped about as I scanned for Scott or Jackson, heck - I'd take Erica and Isaac at this point, I just had to find someone that was familiar. I passed through a group of girls and one of them shouted and me and complimented my outfit so I decided to stick with them for a while and dance, hoping someone would find me and tell me what the plan was.

After a while of dancing and singing with these girls I was tapped on the back. I turned around and stopped dead in my tracks, seeing Jackson standing in front of me. He didn't seem himself though, it was like he was in some sort of trance. My head whipped around hoping someone would come and help me, but it was just me and him.

His hand snaked around my back. "Dance with me" The girls around me whooped and hollered at him, commenting on how good looking he was, but I was more scared than anything.

I reluctantly nodded as he ushered me out onto the dance floor. "What do you want Jackson?" There was no point making small talk, he knew that I knew, and I had a feeling this wasn't Jackson I was speaking to. We blended in with those around us dancing along to the loud techno music.

His teeth were gritted together in anger, his face got closer to mine and I took in sharp breath as he spoke. "I want you and your silly little friends to stop trying to catch me, it won't work. I've already warned you all - perhaps I should do something more permanent?"

He brought his hand up to my face, his claws on full show, dripping in venom. "Jackson.." I spoke quietly but firmly, trying not to show any weakness like I was taught. "Jackson stop"

His hand gripped my face tightly, it was enough to break my jaw and rip it off, and i'm sure he was going to. He snarled one last time before going to tighten his grip, but his face fell flat and his hand moved away from my face slowly. I blew out a sigh of relief as he fell to the floor, revealing Isaac standing behind him with a syringe in his hand.

"Oh my god, you couldn't have timed that better" I wanted to hug him in thanks, but he was just doing his job.

"I wanted it to be theatrical" He let out a laugh and Erica appeared beside him, helping him grab Jackson's limp body off the floor. "Where do we take him?"

"This way" I showed both of them where Scott had told me to take him after he was knocked out, it was a smaller room off to the side, I hoped all the restraints would hold him. "In here" My hand opened the door revealing tarp, chains and a chair in the middle of the room. This should do, although it did look like a scene from Dexter. "In the chair" They both dropped him down and started tying all the ropes and chains.

"Has anyone seen Scott?" I looked at them both but they shrugged their shoulders.

"I thought he was supposed to be with you" Isaac stood up after Jackson was sorted.

"No, I thought I was going to meet him inside but I couldn't find him anywhere" I nodded at Jackson, "Hence the whole 'almost breaking my jaw' moment"

"I'm sure he's here somewhere. But, we got Jackson, that's what matters" Erica was right but there was a deep pit of dread in my stomach that made me think something was wrong, like I knew he was in danger somehow. I had to focus on the plan though, that's what Scott would want and we only had one shot at this.

Stiles bombed through the door and we all jumped, I slapped him on the shoulder and he let out a big 'ouch!' and turned to me. "What was that for?!"

"You scared me half to death!" He held up his hands in a surrender and I collected myself before pointing to Jackson, "Look, we caught a Kanima!"


First of all, how gorgeous does she look in the gif? Wowzer, what a woman.

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