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I had woken up before my alarm managed to do it for me, I guess I was a little bit nervous about starting a new school. I mean, who wouldn't be? This exactly wasn't my first day at a new high school because we've moved around a lot due to my dads rare line of work, but each time seems to get more scary. I think I'd honestly rather face a whole pack of rabid betas than some sophomores. I could definitely handle them better.

A gentle tap on my door drew me out of my thoughts as the handle moved and dad popped his head through the door, smiling at me. "Sorry to intrude, I was just checking you're awake Ash"

I nodded back at him and sat up in my bed, my red satin pyjamas kept me warm and comfy during the cold nights. "Yes, thanks, I'm up - very reluctantly. I mean , are you sure that I have to go today? It's not even the start of a semester and I think the new one starts in a few weeks so we could just wait till then-"

He had started to walk away as he was speaking, obviously scared to open that can of worms. "-Yes, you'll be fine today, they already know you're coming so please get dressed!"

I could hear his boots thump down the stairs and I let out a big groan staring at my wide open door. The one thing parents never do is close your bedroom door, it's like a special talent that I don't understand, but it happens without fail.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed and onto the floor, I shimmied my feet into my slippers and turned around, making my bed as presentable as possible - it was a must in the mornings. 

Of course I had already picked out what I was going to wear a few nights ago - as Benjamin Franklin once said, 'By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail' and It's something that's been drilled into me since the day I learned about hunting., I'll never forget it. We train our women to be leaders, you see, so no pressure I guess.

I had gotten ready in a record time. My long red hair hung neatly down my back, complimenting my purple top and skirt nicely. Heels were what I usually wore during the day, but combat boots were my footwear of choice when working, I don't think heels would be that appropriate. This was another way that I could cover my tracks, because nobody suspects the pampered princess to be a dangerous hunter, so it worked perfectly.

After grabbing my bag and jacket, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, mostly following the smell of food if I'm being honest. Dad stood leaning on the island with a huge grin plastered on his face, "You look lovely. Do you want some breakfast? I've made bagels especially for you"

I hadn't stuck on my signature red lipstick yet just for this moment, of course I want bagels. "Yes please, looks delicious!" He handed me a plate and I tucked in. "These are so good, where did you learn to bake like this?"

He was still chewing his own. "Paris. They do the best baked goods over there, I'll have to take you one day and you can learn too"

"Oui s'il vous plaît" I chimed back and he laughed, making a chefs kiss motion in the air. He was obviously proud that I had actually retained some information when he tried to teach me French a few years back.

"Very good!"

"I try" My shoulders shrugged. "I think that's all I remember though, but being polite always comes in hand I guess" I shoved another piece in my mouth.

He winked and nodded at me. "Are you nervous about today?"

"Slightly, but it's nothing I can't handle"

"That's my girl" He shot me a smile. "Fearless"

I finished my bagel, said my goodbyes and grabbed my keys, jumping into my jeep and setting off towards School. The jeep was black, of course. I had tried telling them that the whole black jeep vibes gave the hunter thing away, but nobody would listen.

Parked. Next to another jeep no less. There was no other spaces so the one next to the little run down blue one would do. It looked half dead but had character to it, I guess.

The mumbling sound of students and teachers as I walked through the halls was something that I never got tired of hearing. At least I looked good. I was always told to fake it till you make it, if you feel good then you'll look good. And boy, I felt good.

I looked furiously at the piece of paper I was given by the office when I arrived, it had my locker number and my class schedule. Scanning down the line, I located Locker number 1077 with ease but before I could make my way over a chirpy voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Love the shoes. Jimmy Choo I believe? I have the sister pair at home, they're gorgeous" The girl stood in front of me had long strawberry blonde hair and vibrant green eyes, her outfit complimented all of her accessories. I think that we will be good friends.

"They are indeed" I tried my best to smile at her while scanning her outfit. "You really know your way around fashion. It's nice to meet you, I'm Ashylnn"

She flicked her hair behind her shoulder. "Well Ashylnn, I think you'll be glad you met me. I'm Lydia Martin. I pretty much own this school" My mind took a mental note.

"Lydia, pretty. I hope we have the same classes. It's my first day and I'll admit, I'm a little bit lost here" She nodded and grabbed my schedule out my hands, her face lighting up and she drew her eyes across the paper.

"You're in luck! We have Chemistry together next. I'll walk with you. My boyfriend Jackson is at Lacrosse practice and you can meet him later if you hang out with us after school"

I was almost taken aback at how generous this Lydia girl was being, it was a bit strange but I suppose I'm the new 'fresh meat' so it was a given. With my schedule folded neatly in my bag, we walked to class together. "You know what? I'd love to" I suppose that making some friends can't be a bad thing, so I'll welcome her with open arms.

"Great! I'll add my number into your phone and we can text. Ugh! We have to find you a guy too, you are too pretty to be single. You are single, aren't you?" I nodded as she sat down at the desk in front of me. "I'll brainstorm and get back to you"

My head shook. "Please no, I have too much going on for boys. I don't think I ever want to date again!"

Her lips pursed into a fine line. "Bad breakup? Haven't we all been through that...don't worry, we can work it out"

Bad breakup? Nope, just me brutally murdering the last guy I ever dated because he turned into a homicidal werewolf every full moon - you know, just the normal things every teen couple has to deal with.

And now, to deal with another normal teen problem. Chemistry. Would rather a werewolf than mathematical theorems.


wouldn't we all?

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