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Jackson's grip was released and I fell to the floor, instantly heaving over and vomiting. My hand shook as it wiped my mouth and my gaze came back up to Gerard who had a sickening grin plastered on his face. "How could you? He's one of your own!!" Power surged through me and I jumped up to my feet, adrenaline taking control. "He's all I have, and you took that away from me"

"You never had him" His head shook at me. "You lost him when you sided with the enemy"

A tear slid down my cheek as my heart crumpled into a ball in my chest. He was right, I had known it for a while now but never wanted to admit it.

"This wasn't the plan" Allison spoke through gritted teeth at her grandfather, looking at me with sorry eyes - my gaze stuck to the floor, not wanting to give her the pity she so desired.

I was an orphan now, I had nobody - no place to stay, no guardian...I was alone.

"No, this was his plan all along" Scott stared at Gerard as his face lit up with realisation. "He's been planning this long before he became the controller of the Kanima"

"So then you know?"

I threw my hands down at my side and took a step forward. "Talk"

"It was outside the hospital wasn't it? I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could smell it, couldn't you?" Gerard tilted his head at Scott, questioning him.

My mind buzzed with questions, not having a clue what they were talking about. Any thoughts of my father were instantly pushed back for fear I would get pushed over the edge, I could grieve later but I had to get through this first.

Isaac looked down for a moment, taking in a deep breath and then turning back to me. "He's dying"

"I am" Gerard nodded and Allison's face mirrored my own. "I have been for a while now. And, unfortunately science doesn't have a cure for cancer" He paused, staring down at Derek. "But the supernatural does"

Jackson stalk around us, everyone afraid to move or confront him. Chris spat at Gerard, he had broken the Hunter Code too many times. "You monster"

Cocking an eyebrow at him, Gerard took a step towards Derek. "Not yet"

"You'd murder your own soldiers and break our laws? You don't deserve to be called a Hunter!"

"When it comes to survival, I'd murder my own son" His words were like knifes going into Chris and everyone could see that this was never something he could have imagined happening.

"Rot in hell you beast!" I lunched forward and Jackson launched himself at me, throwing me to the floor and pinning me down. His claws held my chin tightly and I winced under the painful pressure.

He threw his head back, laughing. "You silly little girl. Can't you see that you've lost?" Gazing back to Scott, he motioned for him to come forward. "Scott"

Looking back at me, Scott closed his eyes before taking a step forward. I struggled under Jackson's grip, screaming for him to stop. "Scott!! No!! Don't do it!!" My efforts went unnoticed and I was too tired to shout any more.

He slowly walked over beside Derek, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up towards Gerard. Derek groaned in pain and looked at me with pain in his eyes, too weak to fight Scott off. "Please, Scott. He'll just kill me right after, then he'll be the alpha"

GIRL ON FIRE ➳ S. STILINSKI  [01]Where stories live. Discover now