A Dark Pit

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Every day I stand at the top of a dark pit, wondering whether today will be the day when the wind shoves me down into the black misery of it all. Crumbling, melancholy ruins balance on the edge of this crater; the deepness of the chasm stands cold and unforgiving. Piles of rubble lie at the bottom of the sheer slopes as they wait breathlessly for me to join them in the deepest depths of despair.

When I do fall, I fall fast. Wind rushes into my ears, making a shrill noise that pierces my head. The pain stabs my heart a thousand times a second. Tears run down my cheeks no matter how much I will them to stop. It feels like the end, but I know it isn't the fall that kills you; it's the landing.

This world doesn't like me. It isn't suited for me, my beliefs or my anger that can boil blood, threatening to make so much noise that people can't help but run from me. I can't live up to the legacy that legends have left behind, no matter how much I want to. However, I am stronger than what this world makes me.

I lie at the bottom of the dark pit – it feels so much worse than what I remembered it was like previously. The darkness is overwhelming, looking for stars is pointless, that's not what hides down here. All that's here is me, but I am all I need.

I can't remember how I climbed out last time, yet maybe I don't need to. Maybe the knowledge that I've got out before is enough. Each time I fall down this deep it feels more hopeless and the strength to get back up is concealed further inside me while pain burns my entire body. But I still refuse to make this the end of my story.

This fall will not get the better of me. I know one day I will find my way down here again, and I know the journey upwards will be a long one. But I also know I can do this. One step at a time, I climb out of the shadows.

Now, I stand at the top of a dark pit, wondering whether today will be the day the wind shoves me down into the black misery of it all. It might. But if it does, I have faith that the strength in my soul will use all its might to get me out.

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