2. The Bullet

Beginne am Anfang

"Ok so since today was just an introduction meeting I guess you guys can go home." Lin shrugged. I nodded and stood from the circle we were in and grabbed my helmet.

Daveed's POV
"You were totally staring at her the whole time!" Rafa laughed as we followed Y/n from a distance out to the parking lot. "No I wasn't." I grumbled. "Yeah ok bud. You like Y/n." He teased I rolled my eyes as we walked outside and Y/n drove off on her motorcycle.

"You literally just stared at her until she was out of sight. And you think her riding a cycle is hot." Rafa smirked, pushing me a bit. "I- Wha- no!" I groaned. "I totally believe you." He chuckled as we walked over to my car and his bike. "I'll see you at your apartment." Rafa smiled as he pulled on his helmet and drove off. I scoffed and got in my car.

Do I really like Y/n?

Y/n's POV
"Hello!" I called as I walked into the apartment. Immediately, the ghostly figures of my ancestors walked into my living room. "How'd meeting everyone go?" Peggy asked excitedly. "Really well actually. Alexander, what's you think of them?" I asked, looking over at him. "They seem nice." He shrugged. "But that Daveed guy kept staring at you. And after that Rafael dude took his arm from around you, Daveed glared at him." Alex told everyone. "Really? I didn't notice." I chuckled. "Can we meet them soon?" Eliza asked me excitedly, her sisters immediately siding with her question. "I don't see why not," I started with a shrug. "But I think Alexander should map everyone else out first before you all come." I told them. They all nodded sadly.

You see, The Hamilton's and their friends feed off of my energy when we're all alone, and sometimes, when I'm around others, they'll accidentally feed off of their energy instead of mine. That's why I'm always careful about meeting new people with them around.

The next day- 8:30 am
"Guys! I'm heading to the theatre!" I called. Immediately, Lafayette was at my side. He had somehow convinced Alex to let him come along. "You head out. We'll be waiting for you there." Alex told me. I nodded and grabbed my helmet before walking outside.

"Damn it damn it damn it!" I whispered to myself as I pulled into the parking lot, rain pouring down from the sky. I quickly dismounted my bike and ran inside and pulled off my helmet quickly. I set my helmet down on the table and took my jacket off, shivering at the cold air around me. I set my jacket on the table next to my helmet and turned around to make my way to the stage. Only I was met with Daveed right behind me. I yelped and stumbled back a bit. Daveed reacted quickly by grabbing hold of my waist and bringing me close to him. I giggled a bit when I regained my balance and pulled away from Daveed.

"Thanks." I smiled. He nodded and pulled away as well with a small blush on his face. "Um. Lin asked me to come get you since we're starting to read through some of the songs." Daveed smiled at me. "Oh am I late? Damn it." I grumbled and started walking to the stage quickly. "No! No you're not late. We just watched your motorcycle come in and I was asked to get you to the stage." Daveed explained quickly as he jogged to catch up to me. "Oh. Thank god. I don't want to be late." I sighed as I slowed my walking. Daveed nodded and slowed his walking as well.

"Ok, this is the first act," Lin explained as he handed packets of paper to everyone. "We'll just be running through the songs, going over basic points before we get into details next week." Lin smiled at us. I nodded at him as I flipped through the packet. "The ensemble has the hardest part of the entire show. Dancing and singing at the same time. Y/n's part is a bit more difficult as well seeing as she's The Bullet." Lin told everyone. I nodded again as I continued to flip through the packet.

"Uh, Lin?" Leslie spoke up as Lafayette and Alex walked next to me and sat on the ground next to my chair. "What's up?" Lin asked. "What exactly is 'The Bullet?'" Leslie asked. I looked up from my paper, wanting to see what my part actually is. "She's the symbol of death." Lin shrugged. Lafayette choked on air from next to me and started coughing, though nobody but Alex and  I could hear him. "Nice." I chuckled to myself out loud. Daveed looked over at my from my left side and laughed.

1599 words!

How's it going so far? I hope you've enjoyed it!

Here's your helmet:)

Here's your helmet:)

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Ancestors- A  modern Hamilton and Y/n AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt