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"Hate him? I don't hate him!" I hadn't been able to stop myself from spilling how happy I was that Grammy wasn't going to reject my little bean just because half of him is from the love of my life... Her smile faltering when both Silas and I raise our eyebrows at her statement, her eyes squinting themselves at us before she continues and adjusts herself, "I'm not saying that you're my favorite person Silas, but I don't hate you. And even if I did hate you it would not have any bearing on how I treat my great-grandbaby! I... I would never bring a child into a disagreement between adults. I didn't realize the two of you were worried over something like this!"

Her words renew the tears in my eyes and I find myself tucking my face into the side of Silas's neck to hide while she continues, "No matter what might happen between Silas and I, there is not a single thing we could ever fight about or disagree on that would make me lash out towards your kids. You are family. We might not always see eye to eye. But as long as you and Adrian are together, we're family."




Hearing Agatha say words that I never thought she would willingly say takes me really off guard, and I'm not entirely sure how to respond to her... I had been expecting her usual levels of salt, but instead, she's serving up words that make me feel like I need to schedule a dentist appointment...

Maybe it only sounds weird because it's coming from Agatha... Or maybe it's because my own family wouldn't ever say anything like that outside of Becky and I making sure to remind each other that the two of us are all the family that the two of us really need... Well... Our mates now included... But still... I don't like the way it brings heat to my cheeks and chose to let my response be a nod of my head and a tight smile, my lips finding the top of Addy's hair to give him a kiss right where his tiara should be resting... The squirmy sniffly giggle he gives warming my heart and making me hold him just a little bit tighter as we listen to the sound of Liam and the guys joke back and forth in between the sounds of nail guns and saws...

"Now. Tell me. Which bedroom are you planning on converting to the nursery? Is the library going to be done in time to free up one of the guest bedrooms or is the baby going to be in your room with you two in the crib?" The way Agatha says the words makes me squint my eyes at her... The fact that there is currently a free spare bedroom that already has a small treasure trove of little crocheted hats and the various projects Addy has started specifically for our sweet Nugget... Her voice sounding like she's trying to tread lightly for a reason she hasn't shared yet...




"Actually... The library should be done on time. Liam and the guys have been going pretty swiftly... And when Silas gets out there I swear if I didn't make them pause for meals none of them would ever take a break!" I say the words with a smile, the number of picnics we've been having lately making me smile, the thought bringing forth the mental image of Liam, Cassie, and the crew all spread out around the blankets I had set up eating sandwiches that Cassie and I had cut into shapes all with straight faces, "As far as nurseries go... We're turning the free spare bedroom into the nursery... And Silas and the guys took it upon themselves to build one in with the library... So we'll have two."

I can't help but smile even wider, the feel of Silas's hand giving my belly a caress while he holds me making me feel so warm that I almost can't stand it... It's hard to convince myself that now isn't the time to ask Grammy to leave... Not even if it's to focus on cuddles that won't last very long after she leaves because Daddy promised he would help with the wall... Whatever they're even doing to it... But only because the faster they finish for the night the faster he can come wrap his arms around me and we can celebrate our news privately...

The way he had kissed me before getting out of the truck still very much on my mind... The promise he made during lunch there too... Slow and gentle it may need to be... But that doesn't mean that I don't want it... That I don't want to feel his hands slowly exploring every inch of my body... As much as I'm happy to share the news with Grammy I can't say that part of me isn't disappointed that we didn't have time to sneak away before Daddy needs to go and join the construction effort now that we know for sure that we're under a time crunch to get everything up and insulated before the baby gets here so we can keep our Nugget safe.

"I was thinking... Well... Actually, me and Liam and Cassie and Quinn were thinking... That for the first couple of weeks after the baby is born that maybe we would come over and stay with you two in shifts so it won't be so rough on the two of you... I remember when Alice had Adrain... Oh... Chipmunk you used to get so loud when you were fussy... It was adorable..." Grammy's words sound watery as she takes a second to remember what it was like helping my Mom take care of me... Her own mind holding more of those memories than I'll ever really be able to recall, "You used to get so red... Like you were mad at the world... But all it took was reading a few pages to you while rocking you in the rocking chair and you'd hush right up... You loved reading even then, Chipmunk... Even then. I bet this baby will be the same!"

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