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"I almost don't want to do it." With the way, Adrian says the words so seriously out loud I almost lose my cool and laugh... The expression on his face regarding what the two of us are about to do enough to sober me up just a bit...The two of us sitting in the truck halfway down the driveway, the vehicle itself having been put in park to bide us a few more moments of peace before pulling up to the house, and Agatha as she sits on the porch where she texted us she would be waiting for us when we got home... And we know it'll only be a minute or two of her listening to the truck idling where we are before she comes to look for us...

Just like we know that this isn't going to be a bad interaction with Adrian's lovely Grammy because there is a reason to celebrate... It's just that our relationship with her gets so tense sometimes when she doesn't keep her opinions to herself on whether or not I'm properly taking care of my Bean... Sometimes it makes it hard to want to really celebrate things with her or have visited without some of our friends over like Quinn to help act as a buffer between me and the saltiness she constantly throws in my direction always aiming for my eyes... Not that Adrian ever lets her get away with it... Just the fact that she still tries sometimes when she thinks Addy should be mad at me. 




"I mean... We could text her that we need to go back to the store... Just go to Liam's house and hide for a while... I'm pretty sure she doesn't have his address yet... Actually... No... She probably does because they've got that weird little friendship going on ever since the vodka squirt bottle incident... And if not, he and the guys are here right now working and he'd probably give her directions if she asked." Silas, as always... Takes me seriously after realizing that my words were only half-joking... His response so perfect while he tries to figure out an alternative making me chuckle and break the serious tone in the conversation he starts to have with himself on whether or not Grammy would be brave enough to head to Quinn's apartment knowing that Archie is there... His magic seems to spook her more-so than the other witches and neither one of us has been able to figure out why because he seems pretty standard and nice to us... 

Daddy's eyes straying from where he had been staring out the window and softening when they reach my face, my own eyes dropping so I can pay attention when I reach over and take one of his hands from the steering wheel to hold it since we aren't moving at the moment anyhow... The way he squeezes my palm back when I interlock our fingers making me feel closer to him in the exact way that I wanted, a whispered, "You okay? We can just ask Grammy to leave and give us a couple of days." being pushed towards my ears... The feel of his eyes as they linger on me causing a flush to build in my cheeks with how genuine he's being at the moment...




My stunning mate takes a moment to really think about things... A real consideration being given to the idea of putting off telling Agatha and asking her to give us some space... A small smile working its way to my brave Bean's lips as he shakes his head, "Let's just rip the bandaid off. If Grammy starts being a butthole we can tell her to leave... She's a handful sometimes I know... But today is a special day and I'm hoping that she won't be selfish and ruin it by being rude... I'd like to keep it short though to make it easier on us all... Maybe just telling her about the baby and then a quick lap around the library so she can see how it's coming along and then asking her to leave so that you can help the guys and I can start looking for baby books to read?"

My sweet, smart Bean had taken almost no time to settle his mind on a plan, and I can't say that I see anything wrong with his suggestion... The hand that he's trapped with his own slowly pulling and twisting itself until I've brought it up to my face with his fist in two, my lips brushing against his knuckles with a smile before untangling our palms so that I can switch us back into drive to continue our way home... The light layer of anxiety that we both have over having to cope with Grammy's visit something that joins us almost tangibly in the car as we hope that she's in a good mood so that way when we ask her to leave we don't have to deal with any fallout or drama, not that there has been much of it lately with her finally understanding that Addy is not budging on being with me and that she isn't going to change that fact anytime soon or ever at all. 




"That sounds like a plan to me, Princess. Just let me know if it all gets to be a bit too much... We can always tell her that you need to rest... Because you do... But also so I can focus on keeping an eye on just you and what I should be doing with the wall that the guys finally got up... We should be able to start laying the brick on the outside tomorrow which will be good... So far everything is ahead of schedule..." Daddy's words make me smile... 

Both of us having each other's backs and being on the same page always makes me feel so much contentment that I almost want to just go ahead and text Grammy to get back in her car and leave us be so we can just resume our happy day in peace, Silas able to get a bit ahead of schedule on the library and the nursery so we can get it at the very least mostly finished before our teeny tiny little Nugget joins the world and will be making full use of the beautiful cribs that had been gifted to us... And so I can start reading some of the books that I've downloaded to my tablet on what to expect while I'm expecting and how to be the best Mama that I'm able to be... 

But I've already spoken the words out loud and I need to at least give Grammy a chance to find out the news in a happy way instead of from one of the guys in our small circle or Collin or Becky while at home... 

For once I don't think that Grammy will be anything other than pleasant and happy... I'm just hoping she doesn't try and question whether or not Silas is going to be a good Papa because I know it would likely only feed into his anxiety and current fear of being too much like his own Father... 

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