Forty One

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"How many pickles do you think we'll go through if I start craving them? Will I have to have my own jar... Or will you share your pickle with me, Daddy?" This afternoon felt calmer than most... But I have a feeling that if it were up to Addy maybe tonight won't be as calm as our afternoon had been...

My sweet Bean stopped our work only once to make sure I and the guys all stayed hydrated... His thoughtful butt having suggested a lemonade break so he could have a moment to steal a few kisses from me all tucked away in the corner of the kitchen while we listened to Liam make all sorts of little jokes about us not knowing what to do with each other if we aren't touching all the time... Jokes we were able to chuckle at even though he was mostly right without meaning to be...

The pep we all found in our steps after we had each had a glass of sugary tart goodness having fast-tracked our efforts just a bit... More getting finished on our new add-on's today than I had really expected us to accomplish... Addy trying to distract me from showering for just a few more minutes by mentioning the jar in the fridge currently calling my name... All so he can continue staring at me with my shirt off while I'm still a bit sweaty... The little lust-filled hedonist that he is making an appearance while he keeps his bottom lip snagged between his teeth...




"If you want Daddy's pickle you need to let him shower, Sugar Cube." The dirtiness that rolls off of Silas's tongue doesn't miss me whatsoever when the words leave his lips... My current desire for closeness in whatever form it comes in seemingly growing threefold... My hands wishing they could peel him out of his clothes right here in the kitchen if only to appreciate him just a little bit more... To show him exactly what I want to do to his pickle to start things off...

"What if I don't want you to shower? What if I would rather make you dirtier?" It's not exactly that I'm horny necessarily... Just... I want some sweetness...

I want the simpleness of bonding without clothes on... I want to recapture the moment that we had lost the other night... Because we must stay close... Intimacy is important... For me... And for Daddy too... And I just want to get back to it... I want to reclaim our bedroom as a happy place instead of the place where I had barricaded myself just as it felt like my world was falling apart...

"Princess... As much as you may not want me to shower now I know the moment I even think about the bed you'll be trying to drag me into the shower... So..." When Silas's voice changes tune I know that he's finally understood that right now isn't just me being naughty for the sake of being naughty... He's understanding that right now...

Right now I just want to feel as close as we can to each other... And that underneath all of our pickle talk I'm actually feeling a bit emotional because I can't stop thinking about how much I actually love him, and not just how much I love him all shiny and sexy from a long day of hard work tucked away in one of his skin-tight shirts and jeans that leave no detail of his beautiful butt up to my imagination... I just want the two of us to touch and to know that we're safe with each other... That all of our tension is gone for now, and what remains leftover are the raw emotions I know that we will continue to talk about on our own and in therapy.




When Addy's thoughts reveal what he really wants my heart almost can't handle how warm it makes me feel inside...

He might not exactly be after sex itself, but he wants closeness... And whether or not we actually get to the point of making love with how tired I actually am at the moment I know that both of us will no doubt appreciate just crawling into bed early together just to intertwine our limbs and whisper softly back and forth just how much we appreciate each other...

There isn't any pressure on either of us... Just hesitant smiles as Addy bats his eyelashes at me and blushes over the words he lets slip from his plush lips, "M-Maybe I could shower with you?  And wash you? Can I?"

The suggestion makes me smile, my arms opening up to him so that he can come in for a cuddle after I set my drink on the counter I'm currently leaning against... My lips landing in his hair to pepper him with soft sweet kisses before I can answer him... "Of course, Princess... Daddy loves showing together... But can we maybe have a snack first?"




Silas never fails to make me laugh... Us stopping for a snack before getting naked and rubbing each other down my own fault for bringing up his pickle habit... A stop for a salty snack always allowed, my hands being the ones to open the fridge for him when he shuffles us just a little bit closer to it, his laughter joining my giggles as I reach right for the jar of garlicky sour crunchy goodness that he's so fond of... My cheese somehow leaping into my palms without my permission making the two of us laugh even harder...

It's nights like this that the two of us are reminded of how important our small moments are... Silas chuckling as he pops open his jar right as I pull the silverware drawer open next to it so I can grab a knife, "Hey we could do burgers for dinner? Or even just have sandwiches... Something involving pickles and cheese and easiness... Does that sound good after our shower, Sweet Bean?"

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