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"D-D-D-D-DADDY!" Adrian clings to me after turning himself around in my lap, his tears just as happy as the ones leaving my own eyes as I hold him close, Dr. Paxton leaning on the exam room table smiling at the fact that our reaction to the news is holding each other while we relax all of the anxiety and tension from our person... Our little baby bean finally confirmed... Addy's sniffles blending with my own, his whimpers ones of contentment, "W-We... I'm... I'm pregnant! I... I'm pregnant...

His gasps are so beautiful... And I think that the only thing he can say that will ever compete for how close they make me feel to my sweet mate is I love you... And we're both aware of that... Yes, we may still be sitting in the Doctors office... But this is one of the most special moments we'll ever share... And it's a blessing that Dr.Paxton gives us a few minutes to enjoy it and comfort each other before he continues... My Sugar Bean's squeal of excitement earlier having cut off the rest of what he was trying to say after he had uttered the words that we've been waiting for...

He gives us just a single moment more of our peace-filled excitement before continuing, the smile on his face growing wider and wider as he observes us, "Like I was trying to say... I'll still run the blood test just to make sure... But yes... As for the urine test... You are officially pregnant, Luna Adrian. Congrats!"




Dr.Paxton's continuance only increases my happy hysteria while I cling to Silas and let my tears flow freely... It's too soon to really feel anything from the baby themselves, but I swear the number of butterflies I normally carry around walking hand and hand with Silas has doubled, and they are all fluttering around inside my belly making me so happy that I think I might actually throw up if I don't calm myself down just a little.

I just try and stay focused on the feel of Daddy's hand rubbing my back as he holds me tight, knowing I can trust him to hang on the Doctors every word, ever vigilant and the perfect amount of attentive... I know that my Daddy always pays attention when it comes to taking care of me, so I don't even need to check his mind to be sure that he's taking mental notes of everything, and that we'll likely end up taking home the different packets Dr.Paxton is currently leafing through so that way if we don't remember, we'll have all of the information.

It's hard to even want to pay attention... But when the Doctors face suddenly appears next to mine, the man pulling almost what could be called a squat so he's on eye level with me after tapping on my shoulder in order to get me to pull my face out of the crook of Daddy's neck where I had been sheltering myself and my joyful tears, "Luna Adrian... The prescriptions you're taking home today? You need to make sure you take them. Every day. It's your first pregnancy and we want it to be as safe for you and the baby as possible. If the folic acid upsets your stomach, take it with a small meal or a snack. Now, I haven't included anything for nausea yet, but if you end up with morning sickness don't hesitate to call me and I'll send it over to the pharmacy as fast as I can."

It almost doesn't make sense to me how intense he's being making sure that I take the medicines that he's prescribing... So much so that my tears pause themselves... Only to have Silas push the explanation into my mind with a kiss pressed into my hair, 'You're carrying our firstborn... The next Alpha... The whole pack will hope that the baby is healthy, and might point fingers at Paxton if anything goes wrong, not that anyone will think it will.'

The explanation makes sense to me... And it's in that moment where I think I can almost spot a look of sincere protectiveness in the Doctor's eyes... In the few seconds where he's actually able to hold eye contact with me... Which is new...




The good Doctor excuses himself from the room for the sake of sending Addy's new prescription over to the pharmacy where we'll be able to pick them up in a little while, and he leaves the door open after letting us know that we're fine to leave as long as we stop at the front desk and make our first couple of pregnancy checkups before we leave, his request being that he sees us every two weeks to monitor my sweet Bean's health...

I had told him that Dr.Paxton's intensity is just him being mindful of caring for the next future Alpha before their even born... But in truth... He had sent his silent concerns only to me through the pack link... And he's worried that as a runt... Addy might struggle with carrying a baby with timber genetics, and we need to make sure his body is as well cared for as possible... And that's why he's prescribing my Bean extra strength prenatal vitamins instead of guiding us to something over the counter... We have to make sure that he's strong enough to carry the baby... And that is something I hadn't thought of before... Not really anyway...

In the back of my head, I had always wondered... I had hoped that it wasn't something that we would actually need to worry about... I had wondered if Addy's genetics would temper my side of the genetics down enough for our children to come out more like him and less like me...

But instead of soothing my silent fears... The Doctor had confirmed that I indeed should be worried... And that I need to take care of Addy as carefully as I can so we both make it through this first pregnancy without my soulmate or our child getting hurt... 

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