Thirty Four

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"I'm eating for two. So that means twice the amount of sprinkles... This way our nugget can have some..."  The way Addy hums as he continues to shake more of the tiny chocolate jimmies he loves so much into his bowl makes me smile, his willingness to brave chocolate, coldness, and sugar a sure sign that his head is feeling better and better with the distance we keep putting between us and last nights drama... The bar of chocolate sitting next to the grater and the can of whipped cream on the counter telling me that my sweet Bean is searching for as much comfort as he can get... And that his appetite is doing just fine at the moment... If anything, it's starting to ramp up, which is a good thing considering he's got a teeny tiny possible Alpha in his belly with half-timber genetics... He'll need all the fortification he can get. 

It's adorable the way he always insists on helping with dessert... Especially when it's something that doesn't require the stove... Part of me wants to say it's just him excited to feel helpful and like we're evenly dividing meal efforts... But the other part of me knows deep down it's so he can control how much chocolate he gets to have before bed, and it never fails to make me smile... His chocolate addiction a thing of beauty and something I don't think I'll ever stop indulging because it's too damn cute the way he relishes every bite. 




"Do I also get extra sprinkles? I helped make our Nugget." The way Silas says the words make me snort and need to pause in order to laugh before carefully lining up the jar of sprinkles with his bowl i order to dump more onto his scoop of ice cream before moving on to the can of whipped cream to make sure to top off the bloating I already know is going to happen because of how much salt and cheese we just had with those egg sandwiches... If we're already going to be bloated adding a little extra sweetness to our bowls shouldn't make a difference... Especially not for Silas... With how hard he's been working with the crew on the library he could probably use the extra calories. 

"You do, but only because of how good it felt and what a good job we both did when you helped make our Nugget, Daddy." My answer causes Silas to snort just as hard as I had, the way he's leaning against the edge of the counter while he watches me shifting so that he can stand behind me and hold me just as I set down the loaded can of pressurized cream and reach for the grater and the bar of chocolate he had been sweet enough to snag for us... 

At the moment it feels extra nice to have him hold me this way... For him to hold me in general right now feels special... It's soothing and feeling his skin against my skin, even if it's just his arms brushing against mine because I have his t-shirt on... It feels like all day I've been nothing but fussy and cranky and tired and in pain... But this moment right now feels like it's making up for all of that... It feels just as sweet as all of the sugar currently in the bowls that Silas reaches for once I start wrapping the chocolate bar back up in its foil... It's so endearing the way that he keeps insisting that I not be able to carry any of my own things... 

I know it ties into the protectiveness he's feeling and that it comes from a place of him not wanting me to exert myself ever... It makes me feel a bit special... And it's one of the small things that he somehow always manages to do more often than not and it never fails to make me smile... He doesn't even know how cute he is... The way he seems to be able to make me feel special even after I spent the day feeling like a troll always amazing even if he doesn't notice just how perfect he is at it. 




"Does that mean we're implementing a reward system? Daddy gets more sprinkles every time he does a good job and gets you all pregnant and glowy?" I say the words knowing that they'll make him laugh, and I'm not wrong... He tilts his head back and lets out a chuckle that raises goosebumps on my arms as both of us pull away from the counter to make the short trek back to our room... The fire still burning just as hot as it was when we were eating dinner... 

The room feels peaceful and at ease... Tonight feels like just a quiet night at home, and I can't help but appreciate the calmness of it... It feels like the world has stilled itself just to give us a few moments of solitary downtime after feeling so worn thin all day between Addy having his migraine and neither one of us sleeping very well... Watching Addy get all snuggled up in bed before I had him the bowls before turning around to make sure that the curtains are as closed as they can be so we can keep our tender moment to ourselves and not share it with any of the nocturnal creatures that we love to listen to when we both wake up in the middle of the night needing each other, their soundtrack after a round of making sleepy love to each other somehow always just the right thing to lull us back to sleep without needing to turn on another chapter of whatever audiobook we happen to have been listening to that week. 

"I think Daddy should get more sprinkles whenever he wants extra sprinkles... But if you need a treat system that means I get treats too right? Extra chocolate for extra good blowjobs? Maybe even an extra scoop of ice cream if I'm a good boy and let you knot my mouth?" The words are nearly silent as I slide into bed next to the love of my life and start to tug my bowl away from him, but I hear them all the same as he uses his now free hand to reach for his phone presumably to turn on tonight's audiobook to listen to it while we munch... The small smile he gives me when I continue to stare and raise my eyebrows at him finally drawing forth the laughter he had been hoping to get out of me with his bold suggestion.

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