Thirty Two

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"I don't think this is a good idea, Princess..." Silas's voice is hesitant... But he's said the same thing four different times and four different times I have given him the same answer, the chuckle that falls from my lips when I give it to him making it hard for both of us not to laugh. 

"I love you, but I don't care. I'm doing it." The words are hard not to let dissolve into a chuckle, but somehow I manage to do so once again much to Silas's dismay, the sizzle of the pan in front of me throwing more sass than I ever could, even feeling as bratty as I do at the moment. 

"You are breaking one of your rules, Sugar Puff." He sounds so conflicted with how he sputters the words, his head tilting to the opposite side while he watches me smile bigger and bigger while I stand here showing him how to make a proper egg sandwich. 

"You told me you didn't know how to do it so I am showing you. I'm not touching the stove. You turned it on for me. I'm just holding the spatula and touching the handle of the pan. And you are just going to have to get over it and pay attention so that way I don't need to use the stove again. Understand, Daddy?"  I try to reign it in and remind myself that it is inching closer and closer to midnight... And that Silas thinks that it isn't a good idea for us to have a sandwich this loaded down with sodium when it's so close to us needing to lay down again... 

He already knows though that it isn't up to him... He had asked me what I had felt like eating when he had heard my stomach start to rumble not long after we had eaten our snack... And when he couldn't come through with the request I had had no choice but to do it myself because,"This is what the baby wants, and from now on they get to decide what we do, Daddy."

"The baby does not get to decide what we do." He manages to say the comeback with a straight face but the next words out of my mouth almost make him lose it.




"No, but the baby is inside me, which means you can't give me spankings for the time being. So that means that I get to decide what we do and what we're doing right now is getting the queso back out of the fridge so we can dip our sandwiches in it because I don't think we added enough cheese, thank you very much, Daddy."  I'm not sure when the sass kicked in somewhere between sharing baby carrots and hummus and now, but somehow it had and I can't comprehend how this Adrian and the poor weepy Baby that I held in my arms earlier who needed to cry to let some of his migraine stress out when he felt overwhelmed are the same Bean.

It makes no sense that he's gone from zero to I-Am-Mama-And-I-Make-The-Rules-Mode, but it's equal parts adorable and bratty at the same time and it almost leaves me confused as to whether I want to play with his ass or if I should be figuring out how to spank him to make sure my sweet little Bean doesn't let everything go to his head the next couple of months... Even though we both know I'd never be able to actually go through with it because him being pregnant is one of the most precious cherished things in the world for me and I want to make sure that we get to see him all big and round with our child...

"Who made you the boss?"

"Technically, Doctor Paxton did when he gave us the results yesterday. It's not my fault you didn't understand what he was saying." The sass he keeps dropping keeps making me raise my eyebrows higher and higher and I keep wondering when they're going to finally kiss my hairline... The audacity of him to look up at me and smile sweetly while tilting his head and sticking his tongue out at me leaving me no other choice than to adjust the way that we're standing in order to ease my hands around his waist so I can let my lips descend upon the exposed side of his neck with reverence... The bubbles I blow against his skin making him jump and laugh at me while nearly dropping the spatial currently still in his hand... His reaction just as adorable as I expected it to be. 




With everything he says that makes me a brat sometimes I think that Silas is less of a Daddy and more of a brat with how he behaves... Blowing raspberries all over my neck like he isn't perfectly aware that he's getting my neck all slobbery and gross... The way he laughs when I finally manage to wiggle enough to break the contact of his lips with my skin maddening but charming all at the same time... The way he smiles when I look up at him nearly blinding with how handsome he is... 

I'm not sure how I lucked out with finding a mate who is so patient, and so willing to talk and be open with each other... There are so many different ways that he communicates he cares... Like making sure to hold me as we stand in front of the stove... Making sure to grab a napkin to wipe off my neck for me before giving me a softer set of kisses that I actually enjoy... Right down to helping me flip the stacked sandwich to make sure that both sides of it are extra toasty before pulling down a plate for me to dish them up on so we can either go to the table or back to bed so we can be comfy in front of the fireplace where we can listen to it crackle and use it for light instead of dealing with the bright overhead lights. 

I know that he manages to tell me that he loves me in all of the big ways that count, but he also makes sure to show it in all of the small ways... Like making sure to cut the sandwich that he knows is mine diagonally instead of just in half the normal way because he knows it makes me smile... And making sure that he grabs the queso from the fridge before taking the plate from the counter so he can carry it for me... His direction seeming to be back to the bedroom instead of the table because I know he knows that I'd rather sit and eat my comfort food in front of the fire than in the kitchen when it's a bit chilly... 

I just hope he knows I love him back just as much. 

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