Chapter 1: Birthday

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A/N: I wrote this when I was 13. Looking back on it I can tell it's a bit cringy but not entirely bad. So don't say I didn't warn you. Y/n definitely reflects my mental state at the time. This book did well so, I'm going to republish it because a lot of people seemed to like it before.

*3rd Person POV*

Y/n woke up surprisingly earlier than usual for she couldn't contain the excitement and anxiety bubbling inside her. It was her birthday, the day she would turn 12 and the day for her Academy Graduation Exam. She got ready, taking time to make breakfast for both herself and her little cousin Sasuke, who was a year younger than her.

"WAKE UP DUCK BUTT!" she yelled into Sasuke's room.

"Five more minutes!" the black haired boy replied groggily.

"Fine but don't blame me if you're late. I'm going to go walk with Hinata."

The h/c haired girl left the apartment and headed towards the Hyuga Compound. Her small hand knocked on the massive gate. Hiashi opened it.

"Well hello Ms. Uchiha. I heard from Neji that it was your Graduation Exam. I wish you the best of luck." Hiashi said as he opened the door, with a genuine look on his face.

"Good morning Mr. Hyuga! Thank you. It's also my birthday!" y/n replied cheerfully.

"Oh yes. Happy birthday. Hinata will be out shortly. Thank you for looking after her. I hope she isn't bringing you down."

"Nope not at all. Hinata is my best friend!" Just as y/n had said this Hinata came out blushing after hearing what she had said.

"I-i am?" she asked shakily. Y/n nodded and they waved to Hiashi as they left.

"I heard from Brother Neji that it was your Graduation Exam. A-also. H-happy Birthday! I made it myself." Hinata said sheepishly holding out a neatly wrapped bento box as they walked.

"You remembered! Thank you so much." y/n took the bento box and hugged Hinata.

"That reminds me where is Neji?" Y/n had always thought of Neji as mysterious. He was always caught gazing off during class yet he knew all the answers. He's what you would call a prodigy. A genius. Ever since y/n was little she would spend time with Hinata, and often became accustomed to the sight of Neji here and there. Although they were complete opposites, Hinata and her got along great. Most of y/n's friends were a year younger than her except for Tenten who was her other best friend. Actually, y/n had multiple best friends. Hinata, Tenten, Shikamaru, and Choji. The kids in her grade would make fun of her for her clan's death, often making her an outcast. Neji never paid much attention to y/n. If anything Neji thought of y/n as just a friend of his younger cousin making her a nuisance.

"H-he left a bit earlier." Hinata replied.

"Then let's catch up to him!" y/n started running. Her h/c hair blew back. Hinata followed. After a couple of minutes, Neji was in their sight.

"NEJI!" y/n yelled. He looked back to see who disturbed him. Y/n was nearly caught up to him waving as Hinata was following shortly behind. He continued to walk, ignoring the girls.

"What's up Neji? Ready for the test?" y/n asked finally catching up.

"Of course I am. You should be more worried about your fate than mine." Neji closed his eyes and continued walking. He ignored Hinata completely. The Academy was soon in their view. Shikamaru and Choji stood at the entrance waving at y/n.

"Ayo my man Shikamaru. What's up Choji?" they had a special handshake. High five. Fist bump up and down. Fist bump in front then connect their thumbs and forming a butterfly with their hands. Another high five then a low five.

"You too Shika."

"Ugh what a drag." Shikamaru said but proceeded with the hand shake.

"Happy birthday y/n!" Choji handed y/n a small bag of her favorite treats.

"It was a drag but happy birthday. Oh and good luck with your exam." Shikamaru said giving her a book about new jutsus.

"Thank you guys. I'll see you later Hinata." y/n waved and met up with Tenten inside.

"Happy birthday to my bestie!" Tenten said hugging y/n. They giggled.

"I'll give you your gift after class. I see you already got a few." Tenten said.

"Girls class is about to start. Take your seats." The girls sat down at separate ends of the room because if they were put together they would talk non stop. Y/n was a girl who would match anyone's energy. But by herself she spent lots of time thinking. Thinking of her family. And although she seemed to be happy, she was hurting inside. A deep hurt that even she was not aware of. She sat solemnly is silence right in front of Neji.

"As you know it's the day of your Graduation Exams. We will call your name and please come up and perform each of the jujutsu's correctly. You will go one at a time. If you pass, tomorrow you will have a graduation ceremony and be given a squad along with a jonin to lead your team. This headband is a sign of your success. I wish you luck." explained the teacher. Slowly the each student began to be called up one at a time.

~Time Skip After the Test~

Y/n stared at the blue headband resting in her hand. Sweat began to gather in her eyes as she put the headband on.

"Mom. Dad. I did it." she whispered softly sniffling. As she wore the headband she put her head up proudly and smiled, wiping the tears gently streaking down her face. The sense of accomplishment lingered over her. This was the best birthday gift she could ask for. Little did she know that a pair of white eyes were stating at the back of her head.

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