The little one

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Lucys POV
After I told the little girl that her ora was the prettiest, her face lit up and a huge smile practicly covered her face. Then she asked
"What colors are my ora?"
"Well little one, you have pink; representing love, Blue; representing Kindness, Purple; representing beauty, Yellow; representing friendship, Orange; representing curiousness, Red; representing knowlege, and white; representing pureness. You have the purest ora around. It makes me proud, even though I barely know them."
"Thank you miss..."
"Lucy...Lucy Heartfelia. Wow it has been a while since I used that name. ,Well whats yours?"
"My namw is matty"
"What a pretty name, does it stand for anything else?"
"Yes, my name is Madyline. And it is spelt M...A...D...Y...L...I...N...E, so you can either let us go and let you see what all th fuss is about,or force us to stay in here all night."
"So maddy, whats your mothers name?"
"Her name is Charlotte."
"Well thats a pretty name, Hi charlotte, my name is Lucy Heartfelia. I am the queen of all. Today I qm on a mission to nring you back to your father. He misses you."
"I highly doubt that. He treated me lime a piece of shit. I never want to go back."
"I know how you feel, but you must face him sometime."
"And how exactly do you mnow how I feel..hmh"
"How old were you when your father started abusing you?"
"Well that is pretty late. and why did he start abusing you?"
"Our town was in debt, and he started drinking."
"My case was way worse. I was 5 when my father started abusing me. It was because my mother died. He abused me for 11 years strait. Untill I left when I was 16. My chikdhood was taken away from me because my mother got sick. When I said I know how you feel, I meant it. And years later, I forgave my father. He changed. And then he died. I barely even knew my father, but I still loved him. I refused to admit it, but I always loved him. He was still my father, he still took care of me in a bad way. But he made up for it and appologized. For a while we even had a goor relationship." I looked up and everyone was staring at me in aww "What?"I asked them
"I didnt know you were so stong,

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