The Friendship Book

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( Naomi Smith-Wieners's first day of school )

Naomi: *smiles at her 5 year old self in the mirror* *runs off to her Mom's bedroom* Mama! Mommy! You must wake up! The day has finally come!

Gretchen: *sits up in bed, looks over to Karen who is still asleep beside her, then back to Naomi* Darling, it's only 5 in the morning!

Karen: *mumbles in her sleep*

Gretchen: Besides, we don't wanna wake Mama up. Come back to wake us up around 6:30. Okay?

Naomi: But Mommy! Don't you know that waking up early allows you to seize the entire day!

Gretchen: *chuckles* It sure does, Omi baby. But there's no reason to try to beat the sun in waking up! Surely an extra hour and a half of sleep couldn't hurt?

Naomi: You can't put the day off! I must have time to prepare for my first day of Kindergarten!

Gretchen: *sighs* Alright, I'll get up with you. I'll help you prepare your things. *takes Naomi's hand and leaves Karen to sleep*

Naomi: I am incredibly ecstatic to be starting school! I simple can't wait to have homework, projects, and of course tests!

Gretchen: *giggles* Well, I don't know how many of those you'll have in Kindergarten but...I'm happy you're excited.

*the two begin packing Naomi's backpack for school*

Naomi: *trying to stuff all her favorite books in the bag*

Gretchen: *chuckles* Omi, I don't think you'll be able to fit all of those in there! How about only taking one book?

Naomi: *looks up to her shocked* ....just one? But how else will everyone know I'm smart?

Gretchen: Oh, you don't have to worry about that, Darling. You don't need your books to prove you're smart to anyone! They'll be able to tell just from your beautiful personality!

Naomi: *smiles to herself* O-Okay. Then...I'll take this one *holds up a high school Sociology textbook*

Gretchen: *eyes widen, questioning how she got that to begin with* A-Alright, whatever you want, sweetie.

Naomi: Mommy, you do believe I'll have many friends, right?

Gretchen: *changes facial expression to hide her concern* O-Of course you will, Darling! *kisses her head* With all those smarts, you'll be everyone's friend!

Naomi: Oh! I'm so excited! *giggles* I'm going to go pack my lunch! *runs off to the kitchen*

Gretchen: *smiles shakily* I'll be there in a minute, sweetheart. *sighs*

Karen: *frowns as she comes into room* Gretch?

Gretchen: *jumps* Oh! scared me! *chuckles nervously*

Karen: *wraps arms around Gretchen's waist* Why are you sad?

Gretchen: Sad? I'm not sad.

Karen: Yes you are! You're doing that thing with your face! The thing you always do when you're sad!

Gretchen: *sighs* Karen, do you think Naomi will do okay in school?

Karen: Of course, Gretch! She's the smartest kid ever!

Gretchen: No, I don't mean...with the work....I mean with the other students. I know she's smart and she'll probably pass with flying colors. But I worry about her....making friends. Am I a bad Mom for thinking this way?

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