I Like You, But You Like Who?

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( Ithilien paces by his locker awaiting Raph to arrive )

Raph: *approaches in a hurry*

Ithilien: What took you so long?! I've been waiting here forEVER!

Raph: *rolls eyes, hands him his wallet*

Ithilien: *sighs in relief* Thanks Bro. I'll pay you back as soon as I can! They need my money by the end of the school day so I'll be able to go on that art class trip this weekend! I can't believe I forgot to ask Momma and Mom for the money last night! Seriously, you're a life saver!

Raph: *waves him off basically saying not to worry about it*

Ithilien: I'll still pay you back. I promise.

( Clara approaches with a girl neither Raph nor Ithilien recognize )

Clara: Hey guys, I'm just checking in, you know you have to pick May up from daycare after school today, right?

Ithilien: Yeah, but— *stops in his tracks as he gets a closer look at the new girl*

Clara: Theo? *snaps fingers* Ithilien!

Ithilien: Yeah—what?

Clara: Just please, PLEASE, don't forget our baby sister. Okay?

Ithilien: I got it, I got it! But...w-whose this?

Clara: Oh, this is Skylar. Skylar, these are my brothers Ithilien and Raph.

Skylar: *smiles softly and waves*

Ithilien: *smiles back* Hey Skylar! I haven't seen you around the school before.

Skylar: I'm new. It's..my first day.

Ithilien: *eyes widen* Oh wow! Exciting!

Skylar: I'm..actually terrified. If it wasn't for Clara...I'd be alone and about a hundred times more freaked out than I already am.

Clara: *chuckles* Don't worry, Sky. First days of anything are nerve-wracking. It'll get easier.

Skylar: *blushes* Thanks, Clara.

Clara: *nods* Well, we better be getting you on your way to your next class, Sky.

Skylar: *nods and follows Clara*

Ithilien: *turns to Raph* Dude, she is like...insanely pretty.

Raph: *watching them go with wide eyes*

Ithilien: Ha! You think so too!

Raph: *continues watching them with a small smile on his face*

Ithilien: Man, just when I thought I wasn't going to have a date to the dance!

Raph: *shoots Ithilien a look*

Ithilien: What?

Raph: *looks back at Skylar, then back at Theo*

Ithilien: Don't tell me YOU'RE going to ask her to the dance!

Raph: *smirks and walks away*

Ithilien: What?! No! Raphael! I SWEAR—! *sees people staring at him, quiets down, and sulks to his next class*


Ithilien: *laying with his head down on the kitchen table* *sighs*

Cady: *making dinner* *looks over at him* What happened at school today?

Ithilien: What? What makes you think something happened?

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