I'm In The Jingle Mood

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( 12:00 am on December 1st )

Clara: *wakes up and grins excitedly at her alarm clock* It's finally December! *jumps out of bed and digs around in her closet for her Santa hat*

Ithlilen: *quietly knocks on her door*

Clara: Come in, Theo!

Ithlilen: *walks in decked out in his snowman onesie* Merry Christmas season, sis! Ready for this?

Clara: I always am! *adjusts her Santa hat* Where's Raph?

Ithlilen: Um...not out of bed yet...

Clara: What?! How is he not out of bed at midnight on December 1st?! We can't have our Christmas parade without him! I'm Santa, your Frosty, and he's Rudolph! We can't do this without Rudolph!

Ithlilen: Okay, okay, chill out. I'll go get him.


( The kids start screaming Jingle Bell Rock from the hallway for their parade celebration )

Regina: *eyes shoot open instantly* *groans* I forgot it was December 1st... *rolls over and hides head under pillow*

Cady: *rubs forehead tiredly* Does that mean I have to go tell them to go back to bed?

Regina: *whines* No...I got it. *rolls sleepily from bed and slumps out the door to the hallway where the commotion is* Kids, I know this is a tradition of yours but...Momma and I are really exhausted and we have to work tomorrow and you have school. So...back to bed with you all.

Clara: Sorry, Mom. Normally I'd agree with you but...it's a special occasion! December 1st is the first day of the Christmas season! The month where I can finally start wearing my Christmas sweaters without being looked at as weird! This is the only month of the year where the look of the snow doesn't make me wanna barf!

Regina: I understand that, Clara...but can't we move the Christmas parade to...oh I don't know, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Why December 1st?

Ithlilen: Mom, she just told you! It's the beginning of all the holly jolly events! *blows his whistle*

Regina: *covers her ears* Ithlilen Leo, not at almost 1 in the morning!

Clara: Let's move out gang! There's one more person in the house we haven't graced with our Christmas joy! *marches into Cady and Regina's bedroom*

Regina: *rubs her temples*

Simba: *waddles out of Clara's room dressed in a cat costume of a Gingerbread man* Meow...

Regina: *looks over at him* So, they got you too, huh? *hears Ithlilen blow his whistle again*

Cady: *from their room* Kids! I love you all with all my heart but....get out!

Regina: *chuckles, goes in to find the kids all around Cady whose still trying to sleep*

Clara: You can sleep any other time, but today's special! It's—

Cady: December 1st. Yes. I've been informed. *rolls over in bed*

Clara: I thought you'd be excited about this, Momma. You love Christmas!

Cady: I do love Christmas. I just chose to love in when I'm not trying to sleep!

Ithlilen: Aw, come on! Don't be a party pooper! *reaches into basket and throws cut  out construction paper bits as homemade confetti all over Cady* HAVE A HOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS!

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