Late Night Snack Run

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(2:32 am)

*Clara is awoken by the faint sound of her mothers' voices from their bedroom down the hallway*

Clara: *rubs eyes tiredly* *crawls from her bed and down the hall*

Regina: *muffled* Cady, baby, I know but—

Cady: Please? I'm begging you here!

Clara: *furrows eyebrows*

Regina: Babe, it's almost 3 am. No stores are open....

Cady: But Gina, I'm desperate! You can even use my card! Just please get me some gummy bears, Twix bar, and dill pickles!

Clara: *snorts with a muffled giggle*

Regina: But Cads—oh come on! Don't give me those eyes! You know I can't say no! *huffs* ....Fine! I'll figure something out!

Cady: *giggles* Thanks, baby! *blows a kiss*

Regina: *playfully rolls eyes* You're lucky you're too adorable for me to say no to! I'll be back as soon as I can. *opens bedroom door* Oh—! long have you been standing here?

Clara: Long enough to hear Momma's impossible request.

Regina: *sighs* I don't know how I'm going to find a place thats open at this hour. *looks back to Clara* Actually, go change quickly.

Clara: ....What?

Regina: Go change out of your pajamas—you're coming with me.

Clara: *groans* Ah man...I'm just an unsuspecting victim!

Regina: Guess you'll think twice before listening in on mine and Momma's conversations.

Clara: *grumbles* If you didn't want someone listening in, then shouldn't have these conversations at three in the morning when everyone is trying to sleep!

Regina: *sets hands on hips* We weren't that loud!

Clara: Um...excuse me? You woke me up! I once slept through a fireworks show being held in our neighbor's yard on the 4th of July. Nothing wakes me up. All except that "not that loud" conversation!

Regina: *mumbles* Now I remember why we used to tiptoe around her bedroom after Cady put her to sleep for the night—she's insufferable when woken up....

Clara: *rolls eyes* Like you're all butterflies and roses when you get woken up.

Regina: Not nearly as bad as you! You threatened to rip Theo's nose off because he accidentally tripped up the stairs and woke you up! Huh, guess our conversation isn't the only thing that wakes you up!

Clara: *scoffs* Children learn by example Mom—I had to get this from someone and we both know it wasn't Momma.

Regina: *gasps* I have never threatened to rip anyone's nose off!

Clara: Not even Sonia's...?

Regina: .....Shut up. *sighs frustrated* Are you coming with me or not?

Clara: *rubs forehead* I guess. Not like I'm gonna be able to get back to sleep anyway. *goes to her bedroom and throws a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie on, then goes to meet Regina by the front door* Lets get this over with.

Regina: *rolls eyes* Try not to sound so enthused.

Clara: Oh? I sound enthused? My bad.

Regina: *huffs trying not to giggle* Smart ass.

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