Movie Night (Part 1)

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( Ithilien gets to pick the movie for movie night )

Cady: No.

Ithilien: Aww! Come on! You told me I get to pick the movie!

Cady: Ithilien Leo, there has to be a different movie you can choose tonight. A horror movie is not appropriate for your baby sister to watch!

Ithilien: Then why did you even ask me to choose?!

Regina: Because she thought you were mature enough to know what's an acceptable movie for a two year old to watch. There are plenty of movies you can choose.

Ithilien: *huffs* Fine! Then I'm letting Maisie pick out what SHE wants to watch tonight—then after she goes to sleep...We're ALL watching MY movie! Deal?

Regina: *looks to Cady sighing*

Cady: ....Fine. But you'll be in bed by 11. You have school tomorrow and—

Ithilien: You do realize none of us actually go to sleep before 1 AM, right?

Cady: *gives him a look*

Ithilien: That's right! We all just sit on our phones and play on them until we finally fall asleep sometime, usually after 1 in the morning.

Cady: That's fine.

Ithilien: *looks confused* It is...?

Cady: Yep. Because— *starts rummaging around in a cabinet before pulling out a plastic container* Ithilien, meet the phone bowl.

Ithilien: ....What the butt is a phone bowl?

Regina: Can I ask...what you think the phone bowl is?

Ithilien: Well...logic would dictate it is a bowl for a phone. And although I know what both of those words mean separately...I'm struggling to understand why Momma used them together in the same sentence.

Cady: I used them together in the same sentence because I am making a new rule—

Ithilien: *groans*

Cady: Groan all you want! This is for your own goods! Every night before bed, you'll put your phones into the phone bowl.

Clara: *wanders into room* Aww man! Ithilien's the one who forked up! Why are we all being punished! You're like that one teacher who punishes the whole class because one kid decided to rebel! Then when asked why everyone has to suffer, the teachers like "I can't single anyone out" but it's like, no! If you're the jerk head who did something stupid to get the whole class in trouble then you should be singled out for your stupidity!

Regina: Some difficult memories, Clarabelle?

Clara: I'm just saying, I enjoyed being in the new lecture hall the school built during my study hall! I had room to relax, I wasn't being made to sit basically on top of another person. It was a nice break from the day. But just because we had an idiot who decided to stick their jacket's zipper into an outlet...we now have to sit in with the 6th graders in their study hall!

Ithilien: ...Someone stuck their zipper in an outlet? What are they...3? Didn't they learn—wait, are they even still alive?

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