Panic Attacks on Halloween

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( Clara, who is known for really intense panic attacks when she gets scared, wants to go to a haunted house with her friends. )

Clara: Momma, please! I'll be good! I'm older now, I know it's all fake!

Cady: *sighs* It's not that I want to ruin your Halloween with your friends, honey. It's just that—that I know how you get. When you get super scared you—

Clara: But that was when I was little!

Cady: *deadpans* It happened last week in the grocery store.

Clara: But this time will be different! Please, let me go! I'm going with a big group of friends! I'll make sure I stay near someone the whole time!

Cady: *sighs* Alright....fine. Just..know your limit, okay? If it gets to much for you...ask someone to step out. Don't worry that people will make fun of need to be safe—

Clara: Yes, yes, I understand! *hugs Cady* Thanks, Momma! I'm gonna go get ready! *runs upstairs to her room*

Regina: *sitting on couch* *looks up from phone* You're worried aren't you.

Cady: Of course I am! *sits down swiftly putting her face in her hands* Last time she had an attack she almost fainted! And that was just because a guy accidentally jumped scared her when she went around a corner. What's it going to be like when the people jump scaring her have scary masks, and have to play the part of wanting to hurt her?!

Regina: *rests a hand on her shoulder* Babe, just breathe. Because right're acting like you may faint. *smirks playfully*

Cady: *glares at her*

Regina: Okay! Okay! But seriously. Clara is seventeen now. If she thinks she can handle it...we should let her try.

Cady: *groans* I know but—but what happens if she can't handle it?!

Regina: She'll be with a big group of friends. They'll make sure she makes it through.

*ding dong*

Clara: *calls from upstairs* Hey, can someone get that?! I'm still getting my costume on!

Cady: *stands from the couch and heads towards the door* All I'm saying is that...I want someone to keep track of her. I don't want her to be the last one and then be the target for all the jump scares! *turns doorknob* Hello, kids.

Shepherd: *dressed as Danny from Grease* Hello, Mrs Heron-George! Like my new look? *sticks a pose in his leather jacket and greased back hair*

Cady: *chuckles* I do. You look great, Shepherd.

Charlotte: *dressed as Sandy from Grease* That's all he's been saying all night.

Naomi: This is true. And I mean no offense, Shepherd. Your choice of costume is an extremely appealing one for those who enjoy the film. However, you have been rather repetitive.

Shepherd: Ladies, ladies! I know I look amazing but there's no need to point out the fact every couple minutes.

Cady: *giggles* It's always great to see you kids. Clara is just finishing up getting dressed. She'll be down soon. *looks at the end of the driveway where Kenny is waiting* Uh...does Kenny not want to come say hi for some reason? *smirking*

Kenny: *freezes*

Regina: *chuckles* Kenneth Oman-Samuels, how dare you not come to say hello to me!

Kenny: *gulps* *walks up to the front door* Uh..Hi, Mrs Heron-George.

Regina: *smiles down at him* Hi, kid. Good to see you.

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