Yard Sale

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( Yard Sale Season has come around again and this year Cady decides her family is going to participate )

Cady: *sets boxes down in Clara's room* Alright, just put whatever you don't want anymore into this box and Mom or I will take it out to the sale, okay?

Clara: *looking down into the box less than amused* Why should we have to sell our things? I like my things!

Cady: *sighs* I know you do, but the house is cluttered...we have to many things! Just—there has to be something in this room of yours that you don't want anymore. Like, what about this—? *holds up hoodie thats obviously to small for Clara from her closet*

Clara: Are you crazy?! I can't get rid of that! I wore this everyday in second grade! I got it at that one place with all the animals...what's it called?

Cady: .....the zoo?

Clara: Right! That's what it is! Man, that's been bothering me! But yes, I can't get rid of it. It's to special!

Cady: Clara, when are you ever going to wear it again? It's to small for you.

Clara: It's not about wearing it, Momma. It's about having it for the memories!

Cady: *sighs* Okaayy, so what about this? *holds up an old puppy collar* Um...we don't even have a dog...where did you get this...?

Clara: *crosses arms* Oh yeah, I bought that with my birthday money one year around Christmas. Remember the absolute mean trick you played on me that year about getting a dog...?

••••( Flashback: Clara aged 6 )••••

Clara: Momma, please?! Pretty please?! I'll take care of him or her! I promise! Can we PLEASE get a puppy?

Cady: Clarabelle, I've told you countless times before, puppies are a lot of work.

Clara: I can handle it!

Cady: *sighs, shaking her head* I'm sorry, baby....but mine and Mommy's answer is no. End of discussion.

Clara: *frowns and disappointedly goes back upstairs*

.....( later that night ).....

Clara: *listening in at her Moms bedroom door*

Cady: Clarabelle really wants a dog.

Regina: But I already got her a dog!

Clara: *gasps and excitedly runs back to her room*

Cady: No—I mean a real dog. Not the stuffed one you picked up at Target.

Regina: Oh...a real one? But we have a cat! *looks down at Simba laying at the bottom of their bed*

Simba: *purrs* Meow...

Regina: See! He's here and he's cute!

Simba: *purrs more and walks up to lay on Regina*

••••( End of Flashback )•••••

Clara: So, the next time Nana and I went to the store, I was excited to spend my birthday money. So I bought this collar thinking I was going to get a puppy on Christmas morning. But what did I find instead, Momma?

Cady: *frowns* You found the stuffed dog your Mom bought....

Clara: Yep. And it ruined my Christmas! *crosses arms and rolls eyes* Okay...that's a little extreme. I was six I moved on pretty quickly from it. But still!

Cady: I'm sorry, Clara...but now that that's all in the past, what do you say we put this collar in the box for the sale?

Clara: Fine. But that's all you're getting out of me. *drops collar into box*

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