Pranked Ya!

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Ithilien: *hiding in Regina and Cady's closet chuckling*

Regina: *enters the room just getting home from work* *tossing her suit jacket on the bed and getting ready to relax until dinner was ready*

Ithilien: *lightly taps on the inside of the closet's door*

Regina: *looks up* Hello? May...? Did you crawl into Momma and Mommy's closet again?

Ithilien: *taps again slower*

Regina: *sighs* Maisie? *stands up and heads towards closet*

Ithilien: *throws his ski mask over his face*

Regina: *opens the door* AHHHH!


Regina: *looks highly unimpressed* Ithilien Leo Heron-George....that was NOT funny!

Ithilien: Really? Then why am I laughing?!

Regina: *huffs* Guess you're pretty lucky you scared me and not your Momma.

Ithilien: Why? Momma is ALWAYS exempt from April Fools! I say we change that this year!

Regina: Are you suggesting I team up with you to prank my wife?

Ithilien: Yeah...pretty much.

Regina: ....Fine. Just making sure I understand. What did you have in mind? It better be better than hiding in the closet with a ski mask.

Ithilien: Ooohh no, we'll come up with something AMAZING! But first, we need a team. And I know just the group we need!

Regina: Clara, Raph, and May?

Ithilien: *huffs* Come on! Let me have my moment of creating a plan as a mastermind! You can't just swoop in and ruin my moments like that!

Regina: Guess you shouldn't make your plans so predictable.

Ithilien: *gasps offended* My plans are anything but predictable!

Regina: Ah I their trash then. Because you said your plans are anything BUT predictable. And them being trash IS technically something that's not predictable.

Ithilien: Did you swallow a "mean" pill today?!

Regina: No, but I have to be honest and say I'm not entirely thrilled my son decided to jump scare me as soon as I return home from work.

Ithilien: A guy tries to have fun ONCE and suddenly he's a villain! Anyway, why don't you go acquire more allies? We only have until tomorrow to think of a plan to make Momma lose her sanity to the point she screams so loud she shatters all our windows, and makes every single dog in this neighborhood bark!

Regina: Are you going to pay for the windows she shatters with her scream?

Ithilien: Seeing her pranked will be reward enough to forget the costs. Besides, I barely have enough money for gas back and forth to school...Ya boi is broke!

Regina: *sighs* I'm leaving now.

Ithilien: Great! Go gather our team! If you do well I might even appoint you to vise president of our little gang!

Regina: No. *leaves*

Ithilien: *mumbles* She definitely had something get wedged somewhere today. *stops* Yeah, she probably was eating her lunch and got a piece of corn stuck between her teeth. Oh—OR she was eating celery and a strip of it got stuck in her teeth!

Maisie: Bubby?

Ithilien: *jumps* Oh! Hi May! How long have you been there?

Maisie: *thinks* Bubby weird!

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