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⚠️ blood and gore , might be disturbing ⚠️

The funeral wasn't going exactly to plan , everyone was goofing off and laughing about the dead , Quakity seemingly taking the lead. Then the body is brought up , Quakity walks over to it and everyone watches and laughs as he jokes about wanting to piss on the body , then stopping when he actually opens the coffin and does something worse than even just going through with the bit. They watch in horror as with a sickening fleshy sound Quakity reached into the box with his bare hand and pulls out something , it's a organ of some sorts and it's oozing with blood. Quakity simply looks down at it as people call out in confusion and alarm with a blank expression on his face , moments ago joyful. He passes the heart from hand to hand ignoring how his hands and the stone beneath his feet are bathing in old and dark blood evertime he moves it
" what the fuck?! "
Everyone was disturbed and alarmed not sure what to do as Big Q literally played with a dead body. That's when big Q stopped , looking down at the pathetic thing. He began to slowly open his mouth and raised the heart up slowly , no one could look away , they all just were forced to watch in horror as Quakity slowly took a bite. More blood than they had ever seen oozed out of the heart at every hole , it filled Quakity's mouth as he tore a chunk away and swallowed before continuing . Someone threw up, people began to shake but no one could force themselves to move or look away or even make a sound. When it was gone Quakity took a deep contiplatuve breath before wiping with blood drenched hands and sleeves on his suit and licking some blood off his lips but there was so much it hardly cleaned him up.
" Wooo! That mother fucker's dead!"
Suddenly Quakity returned to normal and called out , fist in the air in celebration but this time no one laughed.

( just a short thing because my mind kept tormenting me about how gross that would be irl. Tried to keep it not that descriptive tho)

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