Shapeshifter_Karl _( horror/ tales of the dreamsmp inspired) ⚠️

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(Blood/gore/violence description even if not well)

Karl brushed dust out of his hair, resting a hand on the book. He looked around him at the overgrown hut. He couldn't help but wonder how this kept happening but at least it wasn't the first time , he would open the book and read a story before witnessing it himself. The pages crinkled under his hands, yellow and tough with age. The words were written in a hurried scrawl, deep purple ink spelling out the beginnings of the tale;

   If you are reading this than it has arrived to our town and I only have one warning fellow traveler ,Beware the beast of many forms.   

It was the day of darkening when it first dared show its face to humanity, a day were it knew its eyes wouldn't have to adjust to the harsh daylight of the over-world due to the moon. The first sighting was within the small village of ashbluro, a fitting name. At first it was only a rabbit with a strange face, a empty smile :] but soon it grew to hunger. It's body began to melt and shift, skin bubbling to the surface as muscles snapped and fixed themselves together in front of the eyes of the whole village. Blood sprayed the ground beneath the body as it grew into a wolf the size of a horse. Saliva dripped from its jaws to the ground as black soulless eyes scoured the land , darting from people to livestock. The whole town had held their breath, paralyzed by fear and disgust. The beast was thin , muscles visibly shifting as it began to shift again. Before it was even completely changed the people and animals ran and it chased. The form of a shaggy wolf , spraying blood as it's face twists into a large crocodilian thing. The sounds of screams and the snapping of teeth as jaws captured people and animals alike, feeding the form that grew larger and less natural with each bone crushed within it. Before the eclipse was finished the town was deserted and destroyed. In less than ten minuets the population of thirty was turned to zero. The three survivors all say the sun shone on the beast, illuminating the blood and gore of their families , sheep and children scattered across the ground.  It didn't stop there- "

Karl frowned at the torn pages after that , he had never encountered a story that was missing anything and this one suddenly jumped from the first attack to the middle of the hero's fight.

     Kelius adjusted his white mask, the smile almost marking the unchanging expression that the beast wore. The young knight swung back into action , blade meeting flesh to no avail. The beast snapped at the young man but he jumped away with unnatural speed. Both figures fought as if they knew each other well already, for once the beast's swings not mindless and animalistic. Suddenly instead of a beast there was a man and child , connected at the arms and the smile on their faces. The red headed orphaned boy and the kind catlike man causing our hero to faulter before attacking again , giving the beast time to sweep him off his feet and return to the figure of the amalgamation of birds and reptiles it usually prefers. "

More pages were torn and gone

" the beast transformed back into a rabbit , promising revenge while clutching the wound oozing darkness. The hero was the victor ... however he has told us all that the beast will slowly grow its ability to transform back and fight the hero's next life."

Karl held his stomach, returning from the visions feeling sick. He had seen many wars and battles around him but never that much blood and carnage.

" What the fuck are you doing here "

Karl jumped , spinning around with a pale face to see Quakity glaring at him.

" o-oh uh big Q? What are you doing here?"

The only person other than Karl that he had seen at any of the book locations was Dream , who hadn't bothered to speak to him.

" I asked you first"

Karl shrank back a bit at Quakity's short answer , his tone similar to when he spoke about Dream or Technoblade.

" I've been finding these stories you see and- "

" got it.... that's were all the stories you've been telling everyone are from , yeah?"


" Karl look at me"

Karl listened , keeping eye contact as Quakity walked over and put a hand on his shoulder , his eye contact fierce and dangerous

" Don't tell Anyone this story. If you do I'll fucking find out and I will kill you"

" huh?! What the honk Q?!"

" Karl promise me you'll never tell that one"

" I-I promise"

The two held eye contact for a moment longer before big Q turned away , finding it sufficient before leaving Karl behind and honestly scared.

( heyo decided to try something different after a friend of mine asked me to do something more horror I guess? Idk if I like it at all or if I really like so ide love feedback or thoughts/theories on this one short as it is :]  )

Mcyt one shot book Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ