In the end_Badboyhalo_(spooky,body horror warning) 🥀

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   ⚠️body horror I think

    Bad let's out a hot breath as he feels the pain of vines growing out of him from the inside out fade. Each breath sounds labored but his body is still and his face calm. A pleased voice whispers into his ears, it's words echoing through his mind. Bad knows this is it, he's discussed with the egg and ate a piece just as requested,

Skeppy would be free, Skeppy would be safe, Skeppy will be spared but bad? Bad would never be free again, Bad would never be safe again, Bad would not be spared.

With every movement he can feel the vines wrapped around each one of his ribs tighten, how the vines around his jaw sticking out of his skin like stitches stretch with every movement of his mouth, how the leaves peaking out from underneath his eyes like tear flutter when he blinks. When he takes his first step after the process he can feel the vines wrapped around his bones stretch and feel the one coming out of his ankle tear slightly. In his vision everything is tainted red but he feels no anger and no fear he just feels hollow as if instead of being filled with vines the egg had dissolved his insides.

Sure he felt afraid before the deal, afraid to hurt Skeppy. Sure he willed for someone, anyone , to catch him eating the egg and stop him. Sure he cried out in fear and desperation as vines moved beneath his skin, desperately screaming with all of his might when they began to break through . Sure he had sobbed and pleaded for help as they curled around his horns and he felt himself slip. Sure even far before this he had secretly pleaded the universe to send someone to help him, to save him .... but no one did. When he screamed until his throat bled for someone to stop the pain and to save him no one came.

So....It's to late late now, Bad wouldn't scream and  he wouldn't cry for help. Instead he just tastes his own blood in his mouth from when he did and feel sorry for himself. Why had he been so upset in the first place after all the people he cared about were safe and he was one with the egg? He couldn't remember. He bends down and picks up the horn the egg broke off and turns it in his hands, feeling numb, and tosses it for the egg to eat. He hums to himself as he gathers the vines he broke in his desperation and wraps them around the claw marks, made when trying to dig into his body and tear the vines off of his bones , as if they were bandages.

He steps into the light and sees a glimpse of the egg's perfect world, he can still see the vines growing around him. He can also see the ghostly outlines of the vines yet to come crossing over every piece of land. Antfrost flies past on a trident and he sees the glitching outlines around his whole face and the glitching crimson blood dripping from the trident as if it were there.

Bad walks lightly, spinning slowly in order to witness the Egg's vision of the world. To an outsider it would look like he was dancing .... maybe he was, even the slight aftertaste of joy and wonder on the tip of his tongue stand out against the dull numbness. He surveys the server, noting what buildings will remain and the extension of the vines. He sees Tommy talking to Tubbo and smiles as the pair glitch back and forth into the egg's vision of Tubbo holding Tommy's bloodied body with a look of pure sorrow as a new flower blooms and encases them. He sees puffy clutch her son before they become broken souls like him, trapped in vines. He sees a world gone red with void like creatures scuttling about. The creatures feel familar and some are rat like , some are doglike , some are bug like and some are bird like. Each one has a inky body with white empty eyes and needle like teeth. They walk past him and swarm a sheep, letting its blood dye the wool a color not unlike the egg's red. Up ahead were Lmanburg once was there will be a giant bird cage with a city inside. Skeppy, Sapnap, Sam and a few other innocents including Tubbo will be trapped there, broken  in the sanctuary bad knows he must now build.

Bad congratulates the egg on how beautiful the vision is and gets to work on the cage ignoring the stares or concerned whispers from passers by. He's probably been working for over a day straight before he takes a break and notices the people staring at him. They speak but he cannot hear them , the egg whispers that even Ant is concerned about his blood and vine littered figure and he laughs with a empty voice before returning to work. Somehow the numbness has already consumed him whole . Bad almost feels guilty about  ignoring those he used to care for but they didn't hear his cries for help in time, it was to late for him. Even as the egg tells him that Skeppy is there Bad can't bring himself to care. Bad can't bring himself to do anything. Besides, the world he sees coming is beautiful.

It's a shame he's fading, won't even get to see it himself. He can feel that even the hints of emotions from before no longer linger and that Badboyhalo is almost gone. The vines are about to suppress him deep inside his own mind ... His body even needs the vines to survive now so there won't be a way to bring him back. When his cries for help and silent pleas went unanswered his fate was sealed. No one else knows it but bad knows, oh he knows. The egg will have him as long as his internal cage, covered in vines, protect his bloody beating heart. Bad will never see this new world and in the end only his body will remain.

In the end only his body will remain

In the end only his body will remain

In the end only his body will remain

Badboyhalo was slain by unknown entity -

In the end

Only his body remains.

(Hey tried something different, wrote this while listening to the little nightmares ost. I hope you enjoyed, let me know if you would want more horror stuff it's fun to write but as far as I know you guys just want angst and a bit of fun, also as always feel free to give feedback, thanks for reading and sorry I've not been uploading as much as I want to.

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