Not every thing _ platonic Eret Niki and Karl_ (request from A03 ) 🐁🥀🦀

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- warning really small but still there suicide thoughts mention-

" Oh! Tommy!"
Eret saw the young boy run into the path only to pause and glare at him , a obvious gash across his face
" what do you want asshole"
" I want to help you , I brought -"
" no! Shut the fuck up Eret"
His blue eyes glared at Eret as if he was trying to burn him with them.
" we don't want your help"
" but I could help ! I have supplies and -"
" I said shut the fuck up! You probably fucking poisoned it all ! Fuck you !"
He ran off again at the sight of his pursuit , sapnap.
" sapnap wait! What's going on?"
Sapnap just glared at him
" I'm busy right now "
" I could help-"
" no Eret we know how easy it is to sway you"
He felt tears slide down his face as sapnap ran away. He had betrayed everyone and he knew it but even the people he joined wouldn't trust him ever again and it hurt. He missed them, missed being a part of something , missed being with people . He started to walk to try and disctract himself from the pain blooming in his chest but the loneliness wouldn't go away . He found a cliff overlooking his castle and slid into position , sitting at the edge looking over what he had traded everything for, the evidence of his selfishness. He felt himself curl inwards , burying himself in his own knees and pulling his pride flag cape tighter around his arms trying to simulate some sort of warmth as tears soaked his knees. He reached a hand upwards to comb it through his hair only to feel his stupid crown , the fucking crown. He grabbed it right and stood up, throwing it at his castle and hearing it shatter on the stone. Why had he done it, why had he hurt the people he cared about so much , why had he thrown everything away . He began to sob again , burying his face in his hands and doing his best to ignore his glasses digging into his palms . He realized with alarm that he was stepping towards the edge of the cliff and backed away , no no no he couldn't do that he couldn't let himself .
" think Eret think"
Who did he have ? Tubbo was very forgiving but still seemed distant and besides , he was a kid , Eret wouldn't make someone he thought of as a little brother deal with him right now. Tommy was defentky not a option anymore no matter how much he used to get along with him. Fundy? No he had hurt the fox man enough with his betrayal already . He listed off people trying to find someone he couldn't find a exude not to ask for help from. Then it hit him
" Niki"
He muttered her name under his breath before sending her his cords and a short message explaining his state. To his surprise only a few minuets later two people came from the trees , pausing as they viewed the king in his current state . No crown , frizzled hair, tears streaming down his face .
Karl and Niki ran over to their friend giving him a hug
" Eret what happened?"
Her voice was soft and gentle as always and he smiled sadly
" I really fucked up during the war , even the dream team don't trust me and I was on their side in the end.... everyone hates me"
He wiped his face and felt Karl pull away form the hug to give him a smile, slowly removing the crooked glasses
" that's not true , we don't hate you "
Eret slowly shook his head freeing himself
" that's because I haven't betrayed you ....yet"
Niki slowly sank down , forcing eret to sit down before pulling away and helping Karl sit down beside her across from the king
" you're not going to"
" you can't know that "
" yes we can ! We know you"
" the others did too "
Niki and Karl looked at each other , nodding before hugging the man again
" mabey but we know you now, you've changed , you've learned"
" y-yeah ! With me - us as your friends you now you're good"
Eret smield ruffling Karl's hair
" thanks guys , glad I called you if all people "
The two grinned back at him as they began a confertable silence before Karl jumps up , stream hung and inviting Eret to help him and Niki with their newest project . Eret happily agrees , mabey he didn't give up everything for that crown , mabey he could change.

( ok first request finished! I hope this is close to what you wanted, might do more with this trio in the future. Sorry I haven't been posting a lot I have so many Oneshots and longer stories in the making on top of drowning in school work so I've not been updating the most consistently sorry)

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