"What's he doing that for? You guys haven't fought since like second year!" he exclaims.

"I'd like to know myself. He caught Diggory and me leaving the Room of Requirement,"

Blaise raises an eyebrow.

I roll my eyes.

"Get your head out of your ass Blaise, we were just hanging out,"

"Yeah, because that's why people go to the Room of Requirement," he scoffs sarcastically.

"Blaise, I'm not lying. Do you honestly think I'd do that with someone I only just met a week before?" I question.

"I suppose not," he concedes.

"I still can't figure out why Malfoy was so pissed afterwards, though. It's not like we were dating or something,"

"Yeah, but you know how Malfoy gets. You two are super close and he's not used to sharing you with someone else in that way," he shrugs.

"What do you mean? I'm good friends with you, Crabbe, Goyle, the twins, Harry and Ron, I could go on and on. He doesn't seem to mind that," I ask, confused.

"Yeah, but with all of us, it's only been strictly friends. You and him have always had a little more even though you don't like each other like that. I don't know, your relationship with each other is pretty complicated..." he trails off.

"That still doesn't make sense though! Sure, we flirt and do things together, but since there's no real feelings, then why on earth should he feel jealous?" I ask exasperatedly.

"Bella, for being such an intelligent person, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out already. Malfoy isn't jealous of Cedric, he's jealous of what you have with Cedric. You know him, no matter what, he can't stick with one girl and he never has feelings like that towards anyone, and it frustrates him because you've always shared that in common. Now, he's upset because you were the closest thing he had to that," Blaise explains.

"Until now," I correct him.

"Until now," he agrees.

"Thanks, Zabini, that's really helpful. Just out of curiosity though, how did you figure that out?"

"Besides, from it being pretty obvious, Malfoy slightly hinted at it earlier today when he said some bullsh*t like couples are so gross, I don't know how anyone could ever feel like that for another person," he scoffs.

"Gotcha. Since they're gonna be here for a while, wanna walk with me for a bit? I'm supposed to meet Cedric right about now," I shrug.

"Sure, I'll walk you to your boyfriend's class," he grins.

I roll my eyes.

"He is not my boyfriend," I say as I playfully slap his arm.

"Keep telling yourself that,"

We eventually arrive to Snapes classroom where I wait outside for him to finish up.

After about five minutes, the door swings open and the first person out is the auburn-haired, Hufflepuff I've grown to like so much.

He looks around for a minute before I laugh.

"Down here, Diggory," I chuckle as I look up at him.

He looks down at me and smirks.

"You're so short, I completely looked right passed you without even noticing," he teases.

I roll my eyes and playfully hit his arm.

Accidentally Dating CedricOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora