17. The Siege of the North

Start from the beginning

I put it down on Aang's pillow and swung my bag over my shoulder. Momo looked at me, and knew what I was doing. "I'm sorry Momo," I whispered when I petted him, "but don't worry, we'll see each other soon. I promise." I walked out of the room and made my way out. I wandered the streets, trying not to be seen.

I went out through the gates, trying to kind a boat to steal. I couldn't find any, so I decided to try it again tomorrow. I climbed up the mountain, and it started to snow heavily. I couldn't see anything anymore. I wondered if I should go back... But then again, I made my decision. I stopped and tried to look around. I narrowed my eyes and covered my eyes with my arm. I saw a kind of hill in the distance and decided to walk up to it.

"Good spirits." I sighed out of relief when I noticed it was a cave. I made my way in and sat down. It was cold, but at least it was dry. I pulled my coat up and blew warm steam into m hands to warm myself up. I curled up and closed my eyes, trying to get a bit of sleep.

When I woke up, I heard a weird sound, as if something was being dragged through snow. I turned around and saw someone standing at the entrance of the cave, carrying something. I rubbed my eyes and she immediately stood up. "W-who's there?" I asked carefully. The person dropped whatever he was carrying with a loud thud in the snow. When I looked closer I saw it was a person. With an arrow on his head. It was alight.

"Istari? Zuko blurted out, surprised.
"What the... What are YOU doing here?" I exclaimed and I jumped out. "With Aang! What were you thinking? He can't be moved when he's in the Avatar state!" I said and quickly I got down to him, laying him carefully against the side of the cave. I took my coat off and placed it over Aang, who was trembling quietly.

"What are you doing here?" Zuko asked. "I could ask you the same thing!" I hissed.
"The Fire Nation's fleet is approaching under the command of general Zhao. He is up to something. He wants Aang, so I needed to get him out before Zhao finds him." Zuko said, "You?" I sighed and shook my head. "I am not welcome here, so I left." I replied sadly.

I looked down at Aang and stroked his bald head. "Is that really necessary?" I asked when Zuko tied Aang's hands together. "Just in case." He replied.

"Zuko... Why are you doing this?" I asked, slowly shaking my head. Zuko stood up and he turned his back to me. "I have to regain my honor... Azula, my father adores her, you know that as well. He said she was born lucky, he says that I am lucky to be born. I don't need luck though, I don't want it. I always had the struggle to fight, that makes me strong. That made me who I am." Zuko said. looked at my old friend and I stood up, grabbing his hand.

"You are more, than that..." I said and I stood up, walking slowly towards him. I hesitated at first, but I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "We can still turn this around. Help us, and overthrow your father. You don't need him, he won't give you love... whatever you do, he won't. It is not in his nature to love and-"

"-What do you know about it?!" Zuko yelled as he let go of my hand.

Zuko's scream woke up Aang, who started to struggle. "Welcome back." Zuko said blankly. "You!" Aang yelled angrily at Zuko. "Aang!" I mumbled and I hugged him tight. "What are you doing here? With HIM?!"

"He came into the cave with you, when I woke up he was there." I said breathlessly. Aang took a deep breathe and breathed out. Zuko got slammed against the wall of the cave and Aang got launched outside the cave. "Aang!" I yelled and I quickly put my coat on and grabbed my bag. I ran towards Aang, Zuko following me.

"Zuko, stop!" I yelled panicky when Zuko grabbed Aang's collar, ready to punch him. "Appa!" Aang yelled happily and I quickly turned around to look up. Before I could say or do anything, Katara knocked Zuko knock out, and he fell in the snow.

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