I've always loved you

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Lauren's pov

I wake up and look to see camila awake holding onto me as she's on her phone, I smile and kiss her head and run my hand through her hair.

"Good morning" I say, she climbs on top of me throwing her phone to the side, she cuddles me I wrap my arms around her tightly.

"What's wrong?" I ask, she shrugs

"Nothing, just want to cuddle with my girlfriend" she said, I could feel her smile on the side of my neck.

"Okay...?" I ask confused, she gets back up and kisses me I kiss her back

"You're perfect" she whispers against my mouth, I smile

"So are you" I say, she smiles and holds me close

"What's going on?" I ask giggle, she kisses my cheek

"In your sleep you said some cute things" she said, I blush

"Like what?" I ask, she giggles

"I'm keeping that part to myself" she said, I nod softly

"You know how much you mean to me?" Camila asked, I smile softly shaking my head

"You mean everything to me...i would throw away my whole life just to see you smile" she said, I smile wide and hide in her chest.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Lauren" she carried on, I look up at her from her chest smiling.

"I love you" she said, I smile even wider

"I've always loved you" I say, she smiles kissing me and I kiss her back

We talk for a while just cuddled up, we didnt really have anything to do today so we just had a lazy day. We stayed in watched movies and tv shows, we ordered pizza, you know a lazy day.

Right now camila and I were cuddled on the couch with pizza, watching Futurama. Camila was by the back of the couch, as I was on the edge, she had her one arm around me, her head on my chest and pizza in her mouth, also all over my shirt. I had my one arm around her, head on the arm rest turned to see the tv, I also had pizza in my mouth and our legs were tangled together.

My family were also in the living room on the other couch, mom, dad and Taylor were on the couch as chairs was on the couch chair thing.

"Lo" Camila said, I nod looking at her and pecks my lips and cuddles into my neck.

"Bed" is all she said, I get up picking her up and we say night to everyone and go to bed. I put a clean shirt on, we wash our faces and brush our teeth and get into bed.

Camila wrapped the blanket around us tightly and cuddles into my Side, I kiss her head and she placed her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her tightly and she slowly falls asleep, I was playing with her hair and rubbing her back softly helping her fall asleep.

Soon I fell asleep as well.

Missing you  |hold|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz