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Camilas pov

I wake up and look to see I'm cuddling Lauren as she's playing with Cleo, I smile as she was talking to her in her baby voice again.

"Yes mama...then we can go for a walk and play-oh Uh...morning" she said breaking out of the childish voice.

"Morning" I giggle, I pull my arms from around her and pet Cleo

My phone goes off and I sigh grabbing it from the night stand next to me, I check to see texts from Rodger my manager.

"God sake" I whisper under my breath but Lauren heard it, she looks at me

"What?" She asked, i shook my head

"Just the whole pr thing" I say, she nods

"Come on baby" she said looking at the dog, I giggle as Cleo follows her I get up following as well.

She lets her dog out to toilet and cleans the living room, she then goes to the kitchen as I follow.

"Do you want something to eat?" I nod, she starts to make pancakes

Cleo comes in and jumps up on her back legs, I giggle petting her.

"Can you put some food down for her? It's in that cabinet" she said pointing, I nod and put some food down for her.

My phone starts ringing and I sigh

"What" I say

"Hey mila, where are you?" Shawn asked

"I'm at Lauren's" I say

"Still? You slept over?"  She said sounding shocked

"Well yeh" I say

"But I mean it's been 4 years don't you like...feel like strangers?" He asked

"Nope, the opposite, now what do you want?" I ask

"Well, I thought maybe we could go get something to eat, you know before the whole kissing thing" he said

"No, Lauren's making pancakes" I say looking over her shoulder, she giggles and I smile

"They done yet?" I ask her, she shook her head and I sigh

"Oh yell...I guess I'll meet you there then?" He asked

"Okay, bye" I say

"Bye" he said, I hang up

I go to get one off the plate but she slapped my hand away, I pout brining my hand to my chest holding it.

"Wait" she said, I whine

"But I'm hungry!" I whine, she grabs a banana and hands it to me, I smile wide and eat it.

After a while food was done and Lauren set everything on the table. We ate and talked about everything going on, we caught up and Lauren would keep apologising for the shit she did in the past. I mean yes she hurt me so bad, but I know she's grown and I forgave her ages ago because it made me stronger.

"You know those pictures from yesterday are going to be everywhere right?" She asked, I nod

"Yeh, it's fine though I mean what's the worst that could happen?" I ask, she nods softly

"What are you doing today?" I ask, she shrugs

"Spend the day with my baby" she said looking at Cleo with a big smile

"You love her don't you" I say, she nods

"Yes" she said, I giggle and she looks at me smiling

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