A fiery red head from hell.

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please see the authors note at the bottom!!

"Nevaeh... I know you are in there. Open the door, I'm not going to hurt you or your kids.... Nevaeh Holmes! Open the door I need to ask you some questions." The bug scary dude from the zoo yelled through the door. A few minutes of contemplating on either or not to open the door I decided on the no.

"Hell no! I don't know you and I don't know how you know my name!" I mumbled through the door.

"Nevaeh.. I swear I'm not going to hurt you or the kids. Please I just need to ask you some questions and tell you things about Brody." 'What!? What does Mr. McClain have to do about this?' I said inwardly.

"How do I know to trust you or not?" I questioned through the 1 inch thick door.

"You'll have to trust me, now please just the door." 'ugh damn... hopefully this won't turn badly..' I opened the door slowly to reveal a HUGE, scary, tattooed body, handsome man. His jet black hair was a buzz cut just like a Marines. "Ah ha so you finally opened the door." He smirked then smiled a toothy smile, 'man his teeth a white! And straight!'

"Uh.. yea you sounded a wee bit disparate ." I lied smirking.

"Yea okay!! Sooo are you going to let me come in or are you going to lie to me some more?" damn I never was a great liar.

"Hang on, I have to take care of something real fast." I slammed the door in his scruffy face. I walked over into the living room grabbed the kids and told them to stay in their room until I say come out, I didn't want anything to happen to them. They are my world. I walked back into the living room/ front door space and he, the big huge black haired unknown name male, sitting on my couch! What the hell!? Doesn't he know its impolite to just prance in someone's house?!

"Uh!? Excuse you, why are you in my house! I didn't let you in!!" I said in a scrunched face.

"You were going to let me in either way. Now I need to you to tell Brody that Benny says, "You have a match Thursday night at the Dragons Dome. And it's up against Ittice, so he needs to come down to the gym and practice if he wants to win." What? A match? Win? Is Mr. McClain a fighter?! That's kinda hot.. and sexy.. and oh my god Nevaeh stop he's your teacher!! I scold myself. Well I don't even know if that's what he is talking about so I can't get my hopes up yet.

"Is Mr.- I mean is Brody a fighter, like boxing or what are you talking about?" I turned my head towards him questioning.

"Wait.. you didn't know he was a fighter? And yea he's a fighter..." he trailed off in thought.

"No I didn't know, what kind of fighter?!" oh my I'm getting some dirt on my teacher! I dug for more information.

"He's just a regular fighter, well not really normal.. You see he hasn't lost yet and he's been fighting for many years. He's really good; you should come by and watch him. Oh I forgot to tell you my name, its Benny or Ben, I'm Brody's fighting manager. I set up fights for him and help train... so you really didn't know he was a fighter??" he had this shocked look on his handsome face, he had black hair, square-ish jaw, scruffy though.. it didn't suit him. He was good looking but not as handsome as Mr. McClain with his strong jaw, curly brown hair, amazing bright blue eyes with a touch of a honey color enriched in them, his strong arms and toned body.. ooh I wonder what his arms would feel like wrapped around my body, that electrifying thrill traveling through to my bones.. I zoned out until I was brought back to earth by a loud ruff cough. My head jerks towards the sound to see Mr. McClain staring at me with those eyes that seemed like to touch your soul.... Wait when did he get here?!

"Mr. McClain!? When did you get here...?" I was shocked to see him; my eyes had like a mind of their own and started traveling down his body. He was wearing a tight fitted white button up shirt with a blue tie that brought out his eyes with faded away dark blue jeans. My eyes traveled back up his body towards his lips. Oh damn! His lips were slightly full not majorly and a light pinkish color with a playful smile turning into a smirk.

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