⎼⎼⌞chapter ten⌝⎼⎼

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"Donald." I said getting getting his attention as we both were finishing getting ready to leave.

"Yeah?" Donald asked as he wrapped his hands around my waist as he looked at both our reflections in the mirror.

"Good luck, you never know we may just crush you today." I said as I finished putting on my lipstick.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Donald said snickering. I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You look like a little flight attendant." He said trying to hold back his laughter as he glanced at me up and down.

"Oh stuff it." I said playfully slapping his chest.

"A sexy flight attendant." He said grabbing my hand as he grinned at me. I shook my head as I snickered at his stupid comment.

"A kiss for good luck, you may need it." I said giving him a peck on the cheek, my lipstick leaving a mark.

"Do you wanna go with Unicycle, Bumper, and I to go get burritos? We were just gonna take my car over to Zippy's real quick." Donald asked grabbing his keys.

"Tempting but I'll pass." I said raising my eyebrows at him as he groaned.

"What if I buy you a burrito?" He said raising his eyebrows as I huffed out a 'fine'.

"Well let's get it on baby bubble." He said grabbing my hand as we began leaving the dorm.


"We are not allowed to use the toilet in the bus after eating these, cause it is gonna be straight explosive." Bumper said taking a bite out of his burrito as we began heading back to Donald's car.

"You have officially made me lose my appetite." I said grimacing at the thought.

"Too bad, I could eat these everyday." Bumper said taking another bite.

"You do. Jinx, bitch!" Donald and Unicycle said at the same time as they turned to face each other.

"Double jinx! Buy me a coke!" They continued in shock as they stared at each other.

"Holy crap! Call Guinness!" They continued, I snickered as Bumper stared at them with a straight face.

"Shit! Oh my god!" They said together in shock, Bumper quickly interrupting them before they could continue.

"Please don't do that in front of girls. Please. I am begging you." Bumper said eyeing them down as he got in the car.

"I can't even believe you willingly did that in front of Cassie." He said shaking his head at the two.

"I already know Cassie has a crush on me." Donald said as he got into the driver seat while I slide into the passenger.

"Please, you're the one with a crush on me." I said smirking, as he started the car.

"I think we both get that you guys want to have sex with each other, please spare us from the foreplay." Unicycle said as he began eating his burrito. We cracked more jokes with each other as we made our way back to campus.

Donald eventually pulled up right in front of the treble bus. Bumper quickly got out of the car, raising the box of burritos they got for all the guys causing them all to start cheering from inside the bus as Bumper and Unicycle mad their way into the bus.

"That was a very exciting trip yet I have to make my way over to the bella's bus now." I said grinning up at Donald as he opened the door for me.

"So soon?" He said pretending to pout as we made our way over to the bus.

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