⎼⎼⌞chapter five⌝⎼⎼

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"Hey." I heard Donald say cautiously as he creaked the door open.

"Hey." I mumbled back, watching as he slowly walked into the room.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he slowly sat down on the end of my bed.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I just, I don't really want to get into it." I mumbled rolling over to look at him as he sat.

"And that's cool. If you don't wanna talk about it we don't need to. I just want to let you know I'm here if you do." Donald said as he I smiled up at him.

"If I said I just wanted someone to nap with me to help me feel better would you be there for me too?" I said grinning at him as he cracked a smile.

"You already know I will baby bubble, scoot that ass over." I chuckled as pretended to flop on to me and laid flat on top of me.

"I know you want me to pretend to be annoyed but I don't mind this." I said giggling as he chuckled, allowing me to feel his warm breath brush against my cheek.

"I'd prefer this more." He mumbled as he readjusted himself, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I do too Donald." I said closing my eyes , listening to Donald's heart race, lulling me to sleep.


I nearly jumped out of my bed as I heard Donald's alarm blast causing me to groan. Looking over I see Donald rubbing his eyes, grabbing his phone to turn off the alarm.

"Jeez, why do you even have an alarm set at this time?" I groaned tiredly as I rubbed my eyes.

"Come on, get your shoes on. You're gonna love this." Donald mumbled as he sat up fixing his shirt.

"What are we going to do?" I questioned as I did what he said.

"It's a surprise." He said grinning as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the dorm. As we made it outside I noticed the sun was setting. We eventually made it to the treblemakers house.

"I got to say, I expected a better surprise then just going to the trebles house. You hyped it up just a biiiiit too much." I said smugly as he rolled his eyes.

"This isn't the surprise, it's after this. Thank you very much." He said raising his eyebrows as he grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.

"Here, just sit here for right now." Donald said as he led me over to the couch.

"What exactly are we doing here?" I asked looking over at the guys as they stood around with solo cups in there hands.

"Initiation night." Hat said sipping his cup. "Brian's bringing in the new guys." I nodded my head watching as the guys lined up. Brian then dragged out two people with red sacks over their head. I frowned after I noticed Jesse was here but Benji was not.

"Well, Well, Well look who's in treble." Bumper announced loudly as Steven pulled the sacks off their head.

"Classic pun." Donald said smirking as he shook his head.

"These are your treble jackets. We wear them when we perform. On stage. And in bed." Bumper said nodding his head and sending a glance towards me as Hat handed Jesse and the other guy their jackets.

"It means you're one of us. A brother forever." Donald said shrugging his shoulders jokingly.

"Wow. I don't know what to say. I'll never lose this man." Jesse said as he put on the jacket.

"You totally can. We've got hundreds. It's not a big deal." Donald said shrugging his shoulders.

"Mmmm. It's kind of a big deal. Pretty big deal. So." Bumper said then glancing at Donald, "I don't like it when you undermine me."

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