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Most times that her mother took a business trip, Millie wouldn't see her for weeks. Something about These things take time and perfection doesn't just appear out of thin air, no matter how beautiful the model. That, and of course, taking advantage of the opportunity to sightsee.

So imagine her surprise when only a week after that spontaneous vacation with friends, Kelly was announcing her presence loud and clear throughout the mansion.

Ordering around their housemaids the moment she was home was the first thing she did. It was some sort of routine ritual. Kind of like how the first thing she did in the morning was brush her teeth twice. If she didn't start ordering people around to take away her luggage or tidy up her bedroom and light up scented candles, then the rest of the day would feel off.

Millie didn't care much for her presence. As much as it should have made her feel less lonely, it didn't do much. The only reason she had even known Kelly was back was because she was on her way out.

It was a girls' night, apparently. Maddie had texted her that she was invited to spend the night at her house. Although, it wasn't much of an invite. It was more so Maddie demanding her over for the night.

The only thing that bothered her was that she was limiting herself to her usual dosage of fun. That white powder kept hidden in her bathroom felt further and further away with each passing day. When she found herself with that familiar itch, she had to close her eyes, try her hardest to picture Finn right before her with that disappointed look in his eyes.

It was all she needed in mind before grounding herself to reality. Slowing down wasn't so hard when she had him in her head. Slowing down didn't mean she stopped all at once, though.

She was limiting herself, and just her luck that the day she was being told to join her friends for an entire night, it was a sober day.

Not to mention, Kelly arriving back home didn't exactly put her at ease in the slightest.

As she slung her bag over her shoulder, she tried to reach the front door unnoticed. Keyword, of course; tried.

"Oh, Millie, there you are!" Kelly called out, her voice so chipper and sweet.

It made her want to grit her teeth. A quick glance over her shoulder, and she saw her taking fast strides towards where she stood in the living room. Her eyes darted towards the entryway, which would have just taken a few more seconds to get to. So close, yet so far.

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