I T' S A C O L D W O R L D

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When the battle is done, and you think you have won— don't dance on my grave just yet. If you are the moon, then I am the sun— I will not allow you to forget. In my own time I will take back what's mine, for I am not your friend. In the dark of the night, and the shifting of tides— I will come for you then.

 In the dark of the night, and the shifting of tides— I will come for you then

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England: Oxford University

Climbing the flight of stairs, Jhade forced her drained body to make it back to her dorm room. Between classes, studying for upcoming finals and staying alert on her brothers case, she didn't get much rest. She was unsure if it was caused by the late night cram sessions or her seeing Quan's face every time she attempted to close her eyes.

However, the semester was coming to an end; meaning she would soon be able to fly back to Atlanta and speak with the lead detectives on the home invasion case, face-to-face. When she entered her dorm room, a sigh of relief escaped her mouth.

Looking through the mini fridge beside her bed, she settled for snacking on some yogurt. The sun outside had already begun to set, causing Jhade to hit the switch on her bed lights. "I missed you." A deep, raspy voice spoke behind her. She froze in her tracks for a millisecond before turning around.

She didn't know if sleep was getting the best of her and she had now started imagining things, but there he was. "You're not hallucinating. It's me, I'm really here." He took a step closer, bringing his face more into view. Tears streamed down Jhade's face; she blinked a few times, but her vision wasn't deceiving her.

"Oh, my god." She met him half way, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck; nearly causing his breathing to stop. "I-I thought y-you-". He cut her off, sparing her the trouble. "Dead? I thought so too." He shook his head, kissing his little sisters forehead. It had been so long since the two hugged one another.

Sobs could be heard throughout the room as Jhade cried her eyes out. Not only did she believe he was gone; but she couldn't come to terms with loosing the second person in the world she loves most. "Stop crying." He finally said, squeezing her cheeks. "Stop! You know I hate that." She slapped his hand away.

"Still the same Jhade." He laughed, shaking his head while looking down at his not-so-little sister. It had only been about 8 months since the incident, but seeing his sister all grown up made it feel like forever. "Yeah, yeah. You have some explaining to do. What happened?" She questioned, drying her tears.

He sighed, looking around the small sized single bedroom. "It's a long story." He placed his attention back on Jhade. She stared at the ugly scar on his forehead while noticing the eyepatch covering his eye. "I'm listening." She said, waiting for him to go on. "I promise, when this is all over— I'll tell you."

Jhade's eyebrows quickly knitted together, "When what's all over?" He chuckled, running his finger under his nose, sniffling. "It's a long story, like I said. I need your help with sum though." He stated. Curiosity took over Jhade as she eyed her big brother who stood across from her, in the flesh.

"Your my big brother. I would never say no to helping you out." Her shoulders went up then down. "I really am sorry for the pain I probably caused." He voiced, pulling Jhade in for another hug. "I'll get you back, eventually." She smirked, "Is Blair and Peyton with you?" She asked, triggering emotions for Quan.

From where she stood, she could spot the vein that popped out of his neck. She could sense his uncomfortableness about the topic. He cleared his throat, rubbing his eyes. "Naw. T-They wasn't so fortunate." He stated, voice seconds away from cracking. Jhade felt her heart drop to her stomach instantly.

"Who did this?" Tears filled her eyes once again. "Ay, I promised you I'd tell you when everything is over." He told her. She shook her head, "I don't wanna lose you again." Jhade spoke, scared because she didn't know what kind of trouble her brother was in.

Despite whatever it would lead to; Jhade was willing to help him with whatever he needed her to do. "You ain't gonna lose me. Now, pack a bag, the flight leaves soon." He disclosed. She nodded, swatting the tears away; rushing to pack a suitcase.

Mere hours later, Jhade and Quan landed in a all-too familiar city. "Does Hakim know you're alive?" She asked, strapping on her seatbelt. "You trust me?" He got in the drivers seat; looking into her eyes. "Yes. Of course." She assured. "So don't ask questions. You know I hate all that shit." He told her.

An hour later, the Range Rover Jeep stopped in front of an unknown warehouse. "Come on." Quan removed the keys from the ignition; along with his body from the Jeep. Jhade proceeded to do the same, following close behind her brother.

Quan always did his best at hiding his lifestyle from family, but just this once— he needed the assistance of his baby sister to execute the remainder of his plan. When they walked inside, Jhade couldn't help but gag at the foul scent. "Cover your nose, breathe through your mouth." Quan said, walking up a few steps.

She did as he suggest; helping her get through what she thought was the smell of a deceased body. Using another set of keys, he turned the lock on the first door down the dark hallway. Hearing the door unlock, Taylor shot up from the mattress.

She came face-to-face with James and anther female, who favored him quite a lot. "Who is this?" Jhade asked, looking at Taylor; who had bags under her eyes and chapped lips. "Collateral damage." He smirked— that same evil grin he often did to scare Taylor a bit. It worked every time because she feared that evil grin would be the last thing she saw.

He left the room after that, dragging Jhade behind him. Jhade yanked away from his hold, "Who the fuck is that?" She questioned, freaked out. "You said you was gon help me. This...is helping me." He told her, entering a different room down the hallway.

Jhade had a awful gut feeling about whatever was about to happen, but their mom always taught them to stick with one another regardless of the situation. She knew all they have is each other and she wasn't about to do anything to jeopardize loosing him again.

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