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Two months later

They say you don't remember the pain of giving birth. They lied. Destiny remember plenty, even when she had given birth to her first. But they also said it would all be worth it. And as she looked in the eyes of their brand new baby, she could tell you that they were right. On that count, at least. The couple arrived to the hospital in time. They were lucky; only one room was available. Room 44. No one has used the room in over a year. It was sterile, clean and it was for Destiny.

Laying in bed, the pain was clear on her face. She screamed every five seconds, hoping the baby would shoot out easily. Though, that wasn't the case. Destiny tried breathing exercises like her midwife suggested, yet, still, the contractions continued to wear her down. Then, it came. A gush of water came out of her body, causing Destiny, and Kross, to shriek. "It's time," the doctor said. "Destiny, I'm going to need you to push." And she listened. She pushed and pushed, long and hard. An hour past before they made progress. The head finally showed. To Destiny, the pain resembled a watermelon being pushed through a hole the size of a lemon. She didn't recall this level of intensity when having Kaleb.

"This isn't good," Doctor Austin exclaimed. He widened his eyes. "It looks like something isn't right with her. It's the umbilical cord... it's wrapped around her neck." Tears rolled from the corner of Destiny's eyes. "Shit!" Kross grabbed his chest and started heaving. "What does that mean?!" Destiny yelled through her pushing and pain. "If we don't get the baby out now, she is going to die." The doctor explained. "Do a C-section," The midwife said.

"It's too late. By the time I get ready to do that... the baby will be dead. I'm sorry, but we're going to have to rely on faith alone for this." A doctor, someone who studied science and only believed in the facts, had to now rely on what he could not predict, on something that science alone could not solve. This worried the couple tremendously. Her body was hot, heavy and in pain. She felt like this nightmare would never end. It was as if she had gone to hell and back, though the fire continued to burn. Yes, this moment was supposed to be sweet and memorable, except it wasn't. Destiny wanted all the agonizing to end. Right here. Right now.

Everyone hovered around her like wild animals. She needed space. She needed air. "Get this thing out of me!" she shouted, squeezing her husband's hand tightly. If the baby didn't leave her body soon, she might faint. "Do you need water," Kross chanted. "Is the position comfy enough for you?" her midwife asked for the eightieth time. "Keep pushing, you're almost there," the doctor encouraged. All Destiny really wanted was for them to.... "Shut up!!" she screamed, still heaving and pushing steadily. Then, entering the room was Kross's mother. She went by the bed and held up one of her daughter-in-law legs to help.

"Thank you for being here." Destiny said, relieved. If anyone could brighten her day it would be Giselle. The two had a close knit relationship that they both cherished. "It's fine, all you need to do is keep breathing." Giselle told her. "They said she has a—"Kross's mother shushed her. "I already know," she said. "Just keep pushing. Don't quit now or all of this was for nothing." Her job right now was to be the much needed support Destiny could use. They went on like this for a while. Breathing, chanting, and pushing. It was a repeated cycle. Destiny, feeling drowsy, was beginning to pass out. Who knew how long she had left to continue on like this.

"Please come out baby girl, Destiny thought to herself, I held you in me long enough. It's time to come out and see the world. Why did I have to insist on working the majority of my pregnancy? This is all my fault. Not only is she slightly underweight, but she has a cord choking her. I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen. The baby didn't seem like she wanted to come out, this fight was a brutal battle.

Her head popped back into her mother's body so quickly. Because of the blood being slippery, the doctor couldn't get a good grip on the head. It wasn't until the next long push that got the job done. Half the baby exited Destiny's body and the doctor was able to pull out the rest of the body. Immediately after the doctor cut the cord from around her neck, the crying baby girl was put on Destiny's chest. Kross stood close, smiling.

"I love you," Destiny said, looking deep into the baby's eyes. And with that, the baby went silent. No more crying, just silent. A minute passed by and the midwife took the baby to clean her up and do a few tests. Meanwhile, Destiny and Kross rekindled their relationship as his mother took pictures. By the time they tried breastfeeding the baby in the recovery room, Kross had called their close family and friends to share the news. Destiny admired the baby latched to her left breast. The mother and daughter were like one. They had the perfect bond, something that is rare on this planet.

Though the newborn was fast asleep at this point, Destiny thought she resembled both of her siblings a whole lot. Her warm-golden brown skin, large doe eyes, black curly hair and chunky little cheeks. Destiny watched her sweet baby sleep a little while longer, still holding her close to her chest. "Destiny," Nurse Nevin entered the room with a huge grin. "What have you decided to name this beautiful Angel?"

Kross took their daughter from her arms before placing her in the hospital bassinet. Destiny sat up in the hospital bed, saying, "Kross and I decided on the name Rylie. We spelled it differently, but it means courageous." Her cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. "That's a precious name for such a precious girl." The nurse issued them a warm smile. She then left the family to have some privacy. Destiny exclaimed. After twelve hours of labor, she was tired and her body was exhausted.

"You did amazing. I'm proud of you, Des." Kross leaned in to peck his wife on the lips. She nodded, slipping him a faint smile while on the verge of drifting off to sleep. He watched as she slept peacefully. His heart was full. Destiny had given him another irreplaceable gift that he would again, cherish for a lifetime.

Rylie H

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Rylie H. Jackson
09/16 || 11:44pm ||

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Authors note and confession:
I wanted to wrap Destiny's pregnancy up real bad 😂 I had to fast forward her last trimester a bit, but I wanted to give my readers a good birthing scene to make up for other events that may have been skipped.

I'll also be adding the final 2-3 chapters soon, so be on the look out for random updates. As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🥰

Thanks for reading!

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