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Two months later:

The past two months haven't been easy for Skylar. It was hard for her to adjust to living in another state without her mom. She often woke up from her sleep crying because she missed Taylor. Kross felt awful knowing all Skylar wants is her mommy, but he wasn't able to give her that much.

Since leaving New York, Taylor hasn't been in contact with he nor their daughter. Kross tried to call her a bunch of times—he even left voicemails and text messages, still she didn't care to return one. Instead of letting any of that bother him, he put on his best smile to be there for his daughter.

It was the start of a new year, and Kross wanted to forget all the madness that occurred last year. He was being the best father possible and a supportive boyfriend. He still kept up with work without overworking himself. The cloudy skies outside indicated it was going to start raining soon, so he picked out a nice outfit for Skylar to wear to school.

Light blue jeans, a yellow butterfly sweater and black hunter rain boots. He was still learning how to bond with Skylar in the right ways, but overall, he had the dad thing down packed. "Morning." Destiny spoke quietly, walking into Skylar's room with 6 month old Kaleb in her arms. "Morning, baby." He smiled.

He gave her lips a light kiss before kissing his son on the cheek, "Morning, fat man!" He cheesed at Kaleb. Kaleb began kicking his feet and stretching his arms for his dad. Kross happily took him from Destiny, holding him up in the air as he giggled, showing his tooth that was coming in.

"I'll get her ready." Destiny said. "You sure?" He asked. "Let me help you." She insisted. He nodded, allowing her to wake Skylar in order to get her ready for school. He left the room shortly after, taking Kaleb down to the kitchen with him. Destiny tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, walking closer to the bed. She lightly shook Skylar's body.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty." She chuckled, watching Skylar turn in the bed. "Mommy." Skylar rubbed her eyes, turning to look Destiny in the face. She twisted her mouth to the side, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Did you have another dream?" She questioned Skylar. "Yes. Mommy said she coming to get me." Skylar said, sounding optimistic.

"Of course your mommy is coming to get you. She's just taking some time to be better for you." Destiny spoke to Skylar, letting her know that she would eventually be back with her mom, it was just going to take a little while. "Does she still love me?" She asked, moving her head to the side. Her question shocked Destiny to the point she was speechless.

Skylar may only be three-years old, but she is extremely educated for her age. Destiny cleared her throat, looking deeply into Skylar's green eyes that were a darker shade of green since she had just woken up. "Your mommy loves you more than you will ever know. Your mom will never stop loving you, ok?" She touched Skylar's small hand.

"Okay. I love her too." Skylar smiled bright. "I know das right." Destiny tickled her stomach, causing Skylar to laugh and kick her legs all over the bed. "Now, let's get you ready for school." Destiny stated, helping her out the bed. From the doorway, Kross stood with a priceless smile on his face.

He overheard Destiny and Skylar's conversation and thought it was down-to-earth of Destiny. The two were slowly developing a relationship and this made his heart smile. He quietly walked away, leaving them to do what they were doing.

Skylar sat in between Destiny's legs while getting her hair braided into two jumbo braids. "Are you my step mommy?" Skylar randomly asked, shocking Destiny yet again. "Well, your daddy and I love each other, but we're not married. So, to answer your question honestly, no, I'm not your step mom." She said. "However, we are family. You are the prettiest, kind-hearted angel." Destiny added.

"Thank you for giving me a baby brother." Skylar cheesed. She had been nagging her mother about wanting a baby brother for some time now, so when she met Kaleb, she was bouncing off the walls. She wanted to help change his diaper and shower him. The two of them have actually formed a wonderful bond to the point where Kaleb goes crazy when he sees her.

After finishing Skylar's hair, Destiny helped her wash up and get dressed. They walked into the kitchen to prepared breakfast and Kross feeding Kaleb some oatmeal. "Morning, daddy." Skylar walked over to kiss her daddy's cheek. "Good morning, baby girl." Kross smiled, "You look very pretty today." He told her. "Thank you." She claimed her seat at the table.

Thirty-minutes later, Kross and Skylar left out the house, leaving Kaleb and Destiny alone. After cleaning up the kitchen, she gave Kaleb a warm bath before getting him dressed. She strapped him into his swing, leaving him in the doorway of the bathroom while she showered. She peaked out on him here and there, causing him to scream.

When she finished getting dressed, it was going on 11:30 in the morning. She grabbed her bag and keys, along with Kaleb's diaper bag. Walking over to her truck, she strapped Kaleb into his car seat, kissing his cheek before closing the door. Moments later, she was pulling out the garage and turning down the street. When she arrived at her destination 45 minutes later, she shut the engine off.

She had been mentally preparing herself for this moment. Walking over to the house with Kaleb on her hip, she heavily exhaled. Sending a few knocks to the door, she waited for an answer. Moments later, her mama swung the door open. "Destiny." She smiled, happy to see her daughter after months. "Hey, mama." Destiny spoke. "Oh, my god! Kaleb! He got so big." Trina looked at her grandson, taking notice to how different he looked.

He was starting to favor his father more and more each day, but he has his mother's eyes and smile. "Yeah." Destiny looked over at her son in admiration. "Come in, come in." Trina stepped to the side, allowing her daughter to come inside the house. Her eyes widened at the horrendous condition of the living room. Mold was growing on the walls, there was a pile of cigarettes in an ashtray and empty food boxes.

Destiny froze in her tracks, holding Kaleb tighter. "Ma, why does the house look like this?" She asked. Trina fiddled with her fingers, "We're broke." Was all she told her daughter. "What do you mean? I thought you had got you a job." Destiny said, waiting for answers. Her mama sighed, looking down. "I had to quit my job to help take care of your daddy." She informed. "Where is he?" Destiny questioned.

"He's asleep in the back. He's getting worse, Des." Trina voiced. "I know. That's why I'm here, to talk to him. But, mama, I'm not gonna have Kaleb up in here when it looks like this." She told her mom. "We can come to your house?" Trina let out. Destiny scrunched her face at the thought. Yes, she was here to talk, but that didn't include inviting Trina and Courtney over to her house.

She lowkey has suspicions that her mama might be back on them drugs, and if it's true, she doesn't want no parts this time around. Her entire life has been living for others, she couldn't see herself being dragged back into cleaning up her mamas mess.

                                          - - -

Y'all think mama Trina back on the drugs? What's tea 🐸☕️

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