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You never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don't. I could still hear the sound from the hood of my car being crumpled in the crash. It was just in a blink of an eye. When my eyes opened, everything around me was a blur.

It took a moment for my eyes to finally adjust to wherever I was. Then, it hit me. I was now standing in a unknown hospital. "Hello?" I called out, hoping someone would stop and give me some helpful information, but it seemed as if I were a ghost in the moment. "Hello?" I say again, walking down the empty hallway.

"You lost?" A man questions, emerging from one of the many rooms on the floor. "Y-Yeah. I'm trying to find answers. I'm not sure how I got here." My eyes frowned. The man stood tall with broad shoulders, allowing his chinky eyes to look me up and down. He chuckled in amazement. "Answers? I think they're right in front of you." He used his hand to make a gesture.

"I'm sorry, I don't follow." I tell him. His nose wrinkled and a vein had already popped out of his forehead. "You're obviously a new comer." His words only added more confusion to my already addled mind. What the hell is a 'new comer' supposed to mean?

"It's been nearly an hour. When are we going to get an update?" Deedra fussed, trying her best to get an update on her sisters condition from one of the many nurses in sight. "Ma'am, please calm down and take a seat. Someone will be out to give you more information as soon as possible." The middle aged nurse assured.

When she got the call from Kross, notifying her that Destiny was in an accident; flashbacks of a previous event that landed Destiny in the hospital replayed in Deedra's mind. It was a repeat of two and a half years ago, all over again. Kross paced the waiting room, uneasy and distraught. He couldn't help but to think the worse.

He was angry at himself for deciding to call her while she drove. "You straight?" Mario tapped his shoulder to stop his pacing. Kross let out a shaky exhale. He wasn't sure how to answer that question. "I don't know." He responded with the honest truth.

"Well, I'm here for you bruh." Mario voiced. Kross nodded, dapping up his friend. While the trio awaited an update on Destiny's condition; the surgical team desperately tried to save her life as she laid flat on the operating table. Though she was unconscious, it felt as if she were standing to the side of the room, watching doctors cut her open while nurses assisted.

"Am I going to make it?" I finally muster up the courage to ask the man who led me here. We both stood off to the side, intensely watching as the doctors performed surgery on my brain. "That's up to you. You can fight the battle, or give up like a coward." He answered. "Can I ask why you're here then? Did you give up like a coward?" I asked, looking up at his face. It only felt fair to ask why he was here— the gates before heaven. I figured he must've given up... like a coward.

"She crashing!" The doctor yelled out, grabbing gauze to soak up the blood that began flowing rapidly. "If we don't close her up now, the brain might swell even more, causing tremendous damage." Another doctor stated. Everyone looked around at the head surgeon in charge, awaiting orders on what to do next. He sighed, "Let's close the patient up." He instructed.

"No! Aren't you people supposed to be saving my life? Why are you closing me up?" I stood beside the doctor; who had his eyes glued to stitching me up. It was as if no one around could hear me. I felt lost, helpless even. Almost an hour later, nurses rolled an unconscious me out of the operating room and into the ICU unit. This was horrible; not anything I needed to witness.

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