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In New York:

It's been a total of three days since Kross has been in New York. Destiny was constantly blowing him up, trying to talk. But truthfully, he didn't want to talk. He needed space to clear his head, so that's what he was doing. He sat outside of Taylor's apartment, nervous to even knock on the door. Today, he's meeting Skylar for the first time, but for some reason his nerves were all over the place.

Deciding to shake everything that ran through his mind, he grabbed the wrapped presents from his backseat. He approached the door slowly, sending a light knock to it. Not even 2 seconds later, Taylor swung the door open. "Come in." She smiled, stepping to the side. "Thanks." He said, looking around. The apartment looked to be in much better condition than the last time.

"Skylar, there's someone here to see you." Taylor said loud enough for her to hear from the back room. Moments later, Skylar came darting down the hallway. "Who is it mommy?" She asked, looking up at Kross, who was dazed by how much she favored him. Taylor got down on her knees, "Remember we talked about your dad, and how he's coming to see you?" Taylor looked at her daughter.

Skylar shook her head, playing with the buttons on her blue shirt. "Hi, Skylar." Kross interjected. She looked up at him before walking over to him, "Are you my daddy?" She asked. Kross kneeled down to her height level, staring deep into her beautiful green eyes. "Yes. I am your father, Skylar." He told her. She slipped him a toothy smile before wrapping her small arms around his neck.

Kross beamed with joy, hugging Skylar tighter. He wasn't expecting this to be her reaction, but he was happy she reacted in a pleasant way. "I bought you some presents." He said, placing the wrapped gifts on the floor. She looked back at her mommy, "Can I open them mommy?" Skylar asked. Taylor grinned, giving her daughter the green light to open her presents.

Skylar tore through the wrapping paper, revealing her early Christmas gifts. She got several LOL dolls, a brand new iPad mini, an easy bake oven along with some brand new clothes, sneakers and ugg boots. Taylor sat in the kitchen, watching Skylar teach her daddy some dance she learned on Tik Tok. Kross didn't have a clue what he was doing, but he was trying for Skylar's sake.

"No. It's stomp, stomp, clap." Skylar instructed. Kross chuckled, following her steps. After what seemed like hours of practice, he finally got the steps down. They put it all together, looking like the cutest father and daughter duo. Taylor laughed, cheering them on as they finished recording their video.

There's a long way to go for Kross. He knew he had to be consent in his daughters life, and that's exactly what he planned to do. He vowed to give both of his children the best father possible.

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Back in Atlanta:

With Christmas being four days away, Destiny decorated the new house with all types of lights and ornaments. There was a huge tree in the living room, decorated with love. Pictures of Kaleb, Kross, and herself hung on the tree with many other unique ornaments. This is Kaleb's first Christmas. Destiny wanted it to be special and nothing less of that.

Apart from she and Kross not being on the same page, she still kept her spirits high. Kross only felt the need to text or FaceTime Destiny when he was trying to see how Kaleb was doing. This made her feel as if they were co-parenting instead of acting like two people who are in a relationship and live together.

Walking into the kitchen, she warmed up Kaleb's bottle. In the mist of doing this, the doorbell rang. She scrunched her face because it was late at night and she wasn't expecting any visitors. She adjusted the silk pajamas on her body, walking over to the front door. She stopped, checking the camera. Her eyes widened when she saw who was outside.

The doorbell went off again, causing her to freeze in her tracks. She swallowed the lump in her throat, walking over to the door. Turning the lock, she pulled the front door open. "Hey." Jhade greeted. "Hey, Jhade." Destiny faintly smiled, "What are you doing here? How did you get my address?" She questioned, freaked out. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought Darnell would of told you I'm in town." She smacked her forehead.

"Uh, no, he didn't." Destiny said. "I'm sorry to show up like this." Jhade went on to say, "But I just really needed someone to talk to." She voiced. It's been nearly 5 months since not hearing from her brother, this didn't sit right with her. As soon as she landed in Atlanta, she went to the police station, reporting him as a missing persons. Apparently, Blair's mother and sister had also filed a report for Blair and Peyton.

"What's wrong?" Destiny asked, trying to see how much or how little Jhade knows. She allowed her inside her home. "I'm really worried." Jhade spoke, taking a seat on the brown couch, "This isn't like my brother to disappear for 5 months and not call me. He's all I have, you know?" Jhade looked down at her fingertips. Destiny pulled in her bottom lip, "Did you try going to his house?" She questioned.

"No. It's only my first day back. The first place I went was to the police station, then here." Jhade disclosed. It almost felt as if Destiny felt her heart jump right out of her chest. "But that's my next stop when I leave from here." Jhade added. Destiny didn't know what happened that day after Kross took her out the house, but she knew it would be no good when Jhade discovers it.

It's bad enough she already filed a report at the precinct, now was a matter of; how long will it take for Jhade and the police to start piecing things together. This made Destiny slightly paranoid. You can try to forget, but the truth always reveals itself.

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