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If you woke up today, entirely held against your will, what would you do? Most people often beg for their freedom, and although it's very rare that they ever get brought to freedom, they still beg and cry. I always told myself that if I were to ever get kidnapped, I'd fight until their was no fight left in me. Then I actually got kidnapped. Isn't it queer how one moment everything can be fine, then the next; your wondering how the heck you got here? Yeah, that's life for you.


"Get up." His deep voice bounced off the walls. I quickly stood up from the mattress on the ground, fixing my wrinkled shirt. "We hitting the road." He stated. "W-Where are we going?" I asked. James and I barely exchanged words. My days here, wherever here is, consisted of eating 3 times a day and laying on this old smelly mattress. There wasn't much to do and I didn't get let out of this room.

"I told you before, no questions asked." He mugged me, causing me to look down at my bare feet. "Here." He spoke. I looked up, seeing a pair of brown sandals in his hand. I gladly took them, sliding them onto my feet. He allowed me to walk ahead of him while he walked closely behind me.

I've tried my best to think of his motive for kidnapping me, but came up blank every time. Sure, I was in debt with Leon, but he would never send somebody to kidnap me. Especially not right outside of his apartment building. Nothing was sticking. Before we made it through what I assumed was an exit, he instructed me to face him.

"Put this over your head." He said, holding out a black bag. "Please." I shook my head. "Put the shit on 'fore I do it for you." His voice got deeper, slightly scaring me. Taking a deep breath, I put the bag over my head. I then felt his hand wrap around my arm, leading the way outside. I was unable to see and there was no noise to be heard.

Feeling my body being shoved into some type of vehicle, I silently said a prayer. Though I have committed my own fair share of sins, I know that in a time of need, God is the only one who can see you through. Shortly after, we began moving. On the drive to the next unknown location, I thought about my daughter, Skylar.

I haven't been acting like the mother she deserves. When I first gave birth, everything was good, fantastic even. Several months later, I started getting depressed. There were mornings I didn't want to get out of bed, despite hearing Skylar's loud cries. Then there were times I wanted to pack up, get in the car and take road trips.

It was highly unpredictable which Taylor you were going to get. It wasn't until Skylar turned eight months old that my mother pressured me into seeking medical help. She too, saw the changes in my behavior and moods. When I finally found the energy to speak with my doctor, she diagnosed me with Bipolar disorder, which made sense.

The first couple of months that I was on medication was fine. I was doing fine, feeling better and doing more. Then, I-I just fell off the wagon. I remember this day like it was yesterday because it was the day I got introduced to coke. Hensley, my coworker at the time, invited me to a small Christmas party.

She was married with 2 kids, so I figured it who would just be a bunch of adults getting together to drink and enjoy one another's presence. Boy, was I wrong. That morning when I woke up, I didn't even want to brush my teeth and take a shower. I guess looking back at it now, I should've known it was going to be a unpredictably bad day for me.

I searched the night table for my meds since I stopped taking them for about 3 days as they were making me feel nauseous in the mornings. Unfortunately, I had ran all out of my pills and couldn't get a refill in time due to my doctor being away. Ignoring all the red flags, I forced myself to get out the apartment.

When I made it to Hensley's house that evening, I was given a warm welcome by her husband and some close friends as well as a few relatives. Three hours into the get together and that's when things shifted. One adult game led to another, and then Evan, Hensley's younger brother, pulled out a bag of coke. Of course this was my first time being exposed to the substance; so I wasn't ok with sticking around.

However, at the time I had confided in Hensley with a lot, if not all of my problems. She knew all about my life and my battle with being bipolar. She convinced me that one line would somehow help me with my mind and depression. So, like the person in distress I was that day; I took one snort. And let me tell you, that one snort did help. I was feeling on top of world as the high hit me like a ton of bricks.

But, that one snort also caused me to rely on drugs instead of my medication. By the time I got hooked, it was too late to stop myself. I found doing coke as an escape, a way of not having to deal with the real issue. I'm an addict, that I can admit to. Yet, it doesn't make me any less of a person because just like you; I too, battle this uncertain thing named life.

When the car finally came to a stop, I could feel movement beside me. I was so deep into my thoughts that I hadn't realized we've been driving for hours. After being dragged out the vehicle, the black bag was pulled from over my head. I rubbed my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the dark road.

"Where are we?" I questioned, looking around for signs and clues. "The final destination." He smirked, leaving me with only that before pulling me down the road. Soon as we walked away there was a loud collision behind us. When I turned around to look, the black Cadillac was up in flames.

So, ask yourself...if you woke up today only to be kidnapped and held against your own will by a man you never seen in your entire life, what would you do?

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