f o r t y

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Wolverhampton, England.

Harry had always loved sitting on the edge of the town's bridge. He and Liam used to sit there and goof off. Those were the times Harry missed, the happy times when Liam wasn't the enemy.

When Liam was so much more than a friend.

When the two of them were like brothers.

But now the bridge wasn't going to be a place of happy memories, it'll be the place of something far worse. Or maybe it would be better, just because it would be the place where Harry Styles became nothing more than a name.

Harry stood on the edge, tears streaming down his face as he realized this would be the last time he would feel wind in his hair and water on his body. The thunder roared as Harry looked down at the rushing waters below him.

"Hey, hey," a voice screamed, followed by the sound a slamming door.

Harry turned around to see a disoriented figure standing in the rain. Betrayal, sadness, and hurt clouded Harry's features as the figure slowly walked towards him, "You're alright, mate. Just get down from there, you'll get hurt, alright?"

It's a stranger, they don't actually care.

Harry shook his head leaning farther off the side of the bridge. The lightning illuminates the stranger a bit in the dark of the night. He blinked away his tears, taking one last glance at what was beneath him and whispered, "Soon, mum."

And then he jumped.


Be My Eyes || Larry StylinsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang