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chapter eighteen


Louis made his way down to the tea shop - his personal favourite - in the lesser known parts of the university grounds. His hands were hidden in his jean pockets while his head hung low. Louis Tomlinson was never one to cry - he avoided the sorrowful action as much as humanly possible; and for the past 3 years it had been working pretty damn well for the Doncaster boy. Of course, Louis felt bad for what he said to Niall. He knew Zayn wasn't a terrible guy, and he knew that the two boys would take care of each other.

Louis swallowed, telling himself that Niall would speak to him in no time at all. Tomorrow they'd see each other and it'd be like nothing had ever happened between the two of them. That's how it always was. That's the way it's always been. 

That's how it needs to be, now. 

As Louis crossed the street and proceeded to walk down a rather sketchy area, he heard the sound of yelling. He knew he shouldn't be walking down this alleyway; but he sure as hell wasn't going to turn back because he was scared of a little goddamn shouting. He reached the end and turned to his right, watching as two men pushed around another person. Louis shook his head and turned back around, coming to face to face with a burly looking man. 

"What d'ya think you're doin' over here, kid?" The man was a good half a foot taller than Louis, making the younger boy look like the child he was being called. But, Louis being Louis decided to do what Louis does best - letting his pride get in his way. 

"I'm going to a shop, why the hell do you wanna know, asshole?" Louis snarled, taking a step so that he could seem more tough in comparison to the built man in front of him. However, that idea was not a good one. His back came in contact with a wall and his feet dangled 4 inches above the ground.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to pip squeak?" The man's hands held Louis by his shirt, ready to bash the younger boy's head in if necessary. Louis hated this - the feeling of not being the superior being for once. He absolutely loathed this feeling; he's hated the feeling every single fucking day for the past 3 years. 

"A full - grown man that probably still cries home to his mummy when times get tough on him, that's who." Louis didn't hold back his words, and he knew he'd regret it. 

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