t w e n t y - e i g h t

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chapter twenty - eight


The two boys stared at each other, Louis lightly touching his lips with his fingertips and Harry trying to register what had just happened. Neither of them moved from their spots in fear of the blissful moment ending too soon. "Louis?"

Louis didn't respond, instead he closed his eyes, loving the moment and fearing it even more as each second passed. Harry wasn't the only one with secrets in this friendship; Louis had quite a few of his own as well. But neither boy asked in fear of being asked in return. "Harry, for the sake of this friendship, you have to act like that never happened."

Harry was confused by Louis' actions in contrast to his words, I won't hurt you, Harry - Act like that never happened. Harry was basically flipping his shit in his mind, because one second Louis is saying he won't hurt Harry for liking him the next he's pretty much ripping out his heart and stabbing it with a dull knife - a child's play knife. "Louis, I can't do that."

Louis frowned, rubbing his hands over his face, "Harry, no, you have to. Do you want to be friends with me?"

"Course I do."

"Then -"

"But, Lou - I don't want to be friends if it means we have to act like this never happened. Just tell me you don't fucking like me, god, what is it with all the guys I like." The last part slipped out as Harry kicked at the door frame. Louis paid no mind to the last line even though he knew he'd probably remember it later on and never let it leave his mind until he figured it out - until he figured Harry out.

But now, now Louis was torn in two. He could either do this - the relationship and live in constant fear, or he could leave Harry and never speak to him again. But Louis Tomlinson didn't want to do either of them. But he had to pick one.

And so he did.

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