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chapter seven 


"You kissed Zayn?" Harry tried not to smile as he asked the question. Not because he could hear Niall's uneasy breathes and the clicking of his nails as the blonde picked at them out of pure anxiety. 

"Yeah," the blonde responded seconds later.

"And why do you make it sound like it's a terrible event?" Niall sighed, knowing this question was coming. He himself didn't know the answer. He was just scared

"I don't know," he mumbled, "like, what if Zayn didn't want to do it? I jus' kind of forced myself upon 'im."

Harry's eyebrows furrowed, his eyes still the usually blank dull green-ish grey color. "I doubt that, Niall."

"Doubt what?"

"That you out of all people forced himself on Zayn. Besides, he's a tough guy, eh? He could've pushed you off. And isn't he attracted to men, also?" Niall was flabbergasted. Was he the only one that didn't know of Zayn's sexuality? Why'd everyone keep it from him?

"But -"

"Harry," a voice echoed in the flat just like Niall's had less than five minutes prior. This time Niall was terrified, he didn't want anyone seeing him all blotchy with tears and shit. Another reason why he went to Harry. He looked around the room, panicking. "You here, bat boy?"

"'m just gonna hide in this closet ov'r here, kay?" Niall mumbled, opening the wardrobe's door and squeezing in as best he could before shutting the door. This was all in all a terrible idea. Once Niall's bum touched the ground he began hyperventilating due to the closed space. Of course, Niall would be the one to forget his own phobia. 

"Hey, have you seen Niall? Oh wait, you can't see. Never mind, have you heard him?" 

It was only Louis.


thanks for reading, beautiful <3


- Hannah xoxo

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