t w e n t y - s i x

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chapter twenty - six


Harry fiddled with his thumbs as Louis flipped through the pages of the book. He ran his fingers over a couple pages, shutting his eyes and trying to get the feeling of what it must be like to be Harry - to suddenly not be able to watch your favorite movies and instead having to read them. He couldn't even imagine having to do such a thing. "Is it hard?"

"Is what hard?" Harry asked, looking up.

"Not being able to, you know, see?" Louis asked the question with caution, he didn't want to push Harry too far. It's never fun being asked questions like these, and it's not exactly fun asking them either.

"It's difficult sometimes, yeah. I guess I can't really say that I have it worse than people who have been blind their whole lives, though. I mean, I've seen things before - color, people, trees, movies; but there are also so many things I wish I could have seen, you know? And the fact that those chances of seeing some wonderful things, it's pretty heartbreaking. I try to refrain from complaining though. I guess I'm just lucky I could see for at least part of my life." Harry grew quiet after a few seconds, his mind elsewhere.

"What's on your mind, Harry?" Louis asked, not really caring that the game was back on now. He was more concerned about the curly haired boy next to him.

"Nothing," Harry spoke, his cheeks now holding a rosy tint, "It's embarrassing."

"Probably not as embarrassing as tripping on the stage during the production of Grease back in highschool," Louis challenged, wanting to know what Harry was thinking about.

"Yeah, okay, not that embarrassing." Harry smiled, showing his dimples.


"It's going to sound really weird, I don't want to be weird." Harry mumbled, biting his lip as Louis waited for him to say it. "I was just thinking that, like, I kind of wish I could see - just for like one minute. Sixty seconds, no more no less."

Louis' eyebrows furrowed, "Why only sixty seconds?"

"Just so that I could see you for a bit, know what you look like, give myself a mental picture," Harry said, grabbing the book from Louis and immersing himself back into The Notebook. 

"Harry," Louis said, slightly flattered, but very confused about the feeling he got from Harry's words.

"Harry," Louis spoke again after a minute or two of silence, trying to get the younger boy's attention now. "Harry, seriously."

The Doncaster boy was now getting frustrated with his sudden invisible state, "Harry Styles, put that fucking book down, now. Please and thank you."

Harry gulped, placing the book to the side, "Yes?"

"What the hell was that?" Louis asked, staring into the other boy's dull eyes. 

"What?" Harry questioned, faking innocence.

"You just want to be able to see me?" Louis asked, growing a bit impatient with Harry's act. He nodded. 

"I want to see you, Louis." Harry's voice was quiet, almost inaudible. Louis was caught by surprise by Harry's words, suddenly knowing the meaning behind it all. Louis sighed, crouching beside the Cheshire boy. Both boys' hearts were pounding as Louis asked Harry a very blunt question.

"Do you have feelings for me, Harry?"

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