t h i r t y - f i v e

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The crowd cheered loudly as Louis ran down the field, shoving a few other players to the side to get through to his opponent. The adrenaline pumped through his veins as he made yet another goal, making the score 2 - 0. 

Although the game was already halfway over, Louis was more than ecstatic when he was the curly haired boy walk into the stands. He got there just in time to hear the roar of the crowd, excited for his boyfriend. Though, they didn't know that - well, maybe a few knew. 

As the game ended, the team from London University lined up. Louis standing at the front of his own teams line, prepared to congratulate the losing team on a "good game". Once the congratulatory gestures were over and done with, the university photographer, went to grab the two captains. 


Harry felt a hand grab his shoulder, a familiar laugh filling the air around him. "Harry, mate, let's go down there. I know you want to congratulate your - what - boyfriend." The curly haired boy rolled his eyes, letting Niall Horan and Zayn Malik guide him down onto the field. As they neared the photographer and the team captains, Niall's hand left Harry's shoulder. 

"How about we all go get some dinner, even with you - you loser." Niall yelled over the bustle of the leaving crowd. Harry smiled at the easy-going nature of the Irish lad, he always seemed so carefree. Unless he was getting anxious about his relationship, then he wasn't so carefree. 

"Yeah, dinner sounds nice." An all too familiar voice spoke up, making Harry's body freeze in place. 

Then Louis spoke up, "Oh look, he speaks. Not too much of a hot shot to hang out with a couple of Manchessies anymore, are you?"

A groan follows Louis' angelic voice, "Oh shut up, Tomlinson."

"Harry, you alright?" Niall's voice spoke again, bringing a silence to the conversation.

"Haz?" Harry closed his eyes, concentrating on Louis' nickname. It wasn't working. Harry turns on his heel, walking away from the four people - three of which he was close friends with. "Babe?"

"Babe?" There's that voice again. Stop talking.

"Have a problem with that, Mr-Im-So-Hot-Im-Liam-Payne?"

And there's the bomb.


really bad, sorry. I haven't updated in a while bc school. No promises - but I'm not going to put this book on hold.

please don't give up on me :(

over 5K reads - omfg thank you so much !! 

-- hannah xoxo

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